Thursday, July 02, 2009

Today's Tribune column: "Foreign films, universal concerns."

BAYLOR: Foreign films, universal concerns.

Admittedly, my tastes in film are narrow. They derive from wearisome experience, because out of every 10,000 cinematic excuses to squander two hours of my life, all but a dozen invariably are absolute wastes of time.


  1. Well written column comes the but....

    You talk about how dangerous it can be when a government tells a woman what to do with her body. To me that's the exact same argument anybody can use to justify letting their property go to crap. They can say hey, it's mine, what business does the government have telling me what to do? You handcuff any rebuttal of saying well codes violations affect other people, because obviously abortion affects someone else too...much more severely as well.
    I just don't see the argument as secular or religious. People have turned it into that, but to me it's about decency and I've never for the life of me understood why Democrats are so up in arms for being pro abortion. To me the motto of Dems has always been to look out for the less know, tax the rich to feed the poor. How much more defenseless can you be than an unborn child?

  2. To say that Democrats are pro abortion is incorrect and unfair.
    I have yet to see an "I 'heart' abortion" t-shirt (but I am sure they are out there).

    As a pro-choice Democrat I choose not to have one but I am not going to tell you whether or not to have one for yourself.

    My ire is with the zealots that insist that their position is right, and will use all means necessary to convey that point.

    I wish they would redirect their efforts. If they would spend a fraction of their time and resources more constructively it could possibly sway more minds.

    Their current movement consist of protesting and terrorizing and to me it is contrary to their cause. If they would work more toward education and alternatives to possibly lower the rate of unwanted pregnancies I would be more inclined to listen.

    Of course republicans fight against those ideas all the time.

  3. Having seen the latter film, I'll simply say that, though we certainly have more work to do, I'm glad we at least have more respect for women than that.

    It is a master work.

  4. Yes, Republicans don't want to spend money for welfare, but want the parents to have the kids, I understand all that, and it is hypocritical. The sex ed part especially, just look at Palin. I guess what I'm saying is that if the basis of the pro argument is that it's the woman's body, she can do whatever she wants. Then I think they need to take that same stance on every issue that involves someone's body/property. Would pro choice Dems be supportive of the elite refusing to pay taxes(kickbacks aside) because it's their money?
    But of course that would never work, and it shouldn't. Because our actions impact other people, I can't say I bought a gun so I can do with it what I want too. This is not really a democracy, we can't just do whatever we want.

  5. Should birth control be legal?

    I mean, that's standing in the way of creating defenseless babies, right?

    To paraphrase Monty Python, God certainly does get quite irate when a sperm is wasted, so out goes male masturbation, too.

    And maybe that whole promiscuity thing, all those girls jumping into the sack at a drop of the hat (or blouse) ... maybe we need to do something about that.

    DISCLAIMER: I'm being satirical. It's just such a complex topic, and fully unable to be resolved in such a forum, unless of course I'm brighter than the rest of you and can lecture you anonymously.

    Anyone for a drink?

  6. Wish I was there. I need one.

  7. Anonymous4:54 PM

    There is a difference between an individual sperm cell, ovum and a fertilized egg.

    Sperm and eggs by themselves do not constitute human life as does an embryo.

    Preventing the fertilization of an egg is very different from killing the embryo.

  8. Jeff said, "It is a master work."

    It iscertainly well made. Affixing the uber- doesn't leap at necessity unless one is fishing for world cinema to satisfy local deficiencies. Pirvations aren't met by art. The film is art, but not of the higher order... Maybe it needed a message on littering?

  9. What is art of the higher order?
