Thursday, July 02, 2009

I am not a Republican.

I'd like to publicly deny that I'm a Republican.

Just thought I'd say that out loud. It's not really coming out of a closet, but rather being pre-emptive. I mean, just in case I decide to run for something.

Wait -- too late for candidacy. You already know who I am. I can't sandbag at trog blogs under a pseudonym. Damn.

I will not be running for office as a Republican in 2010. Promise.

Would you like to join me in publicly denying your Republicanness? File a comment below ... according to the Chinese method, of course.

You'll feel better.


  1. I'd like to anonymously deny that I've ever thought about being a Republican, being myself, or using punctuation in a sentence.

    And it's about time the rest of you pull yourself up by your boot straps, misconstrue but recycle ideas pitched by others years ago, take personal responsibility unless it alters your comfortable, subsidized lifestyle, and quit learning words that refer to what people do when they don't want other people to know what they're doing.

    Failing that, I may run for state senate or city council under the banner that I deny. God bless.

  2. You got my vote.


  3. "I will not be running for office as a Republican in 2010."

    Oh, Charlie, that leaves a lot unsaid. Still, I'd be happy to join you in that promise. Does this count as a "public utterance?"

