Wednesday, July 08, 2009

ESNA meeting tonight: Merger with SEJ to be discussed and a vote taken.

Here's the agenda for tonight's East Spring Street Neighborhood Association (ESNA) meeting. It includes a discussion and vote for a proposed merger with the S. Ellen Jones Neighborhood Association (SEJ), which was the topic at a recent joint meeting. SEJ's next meeting is July 21 at the Cardinal Ritter House (we'll issue a reminder for that one, too).

I regret being unable to attend tonight owing to the resumption of my IUS beer class at precisely the same time. I'll say this: Neighborhood involvement is good irrespective of the season, but the merger question is of potential impact, so if you're a member (or want to be), come out, pay your dues, discuss, and vote.

ESNA July Meeting

7:00 pm at Central Christian Church

Call to Order: President Greg Roberts

Secretary Report: Courtney Paris

Treasurer Report: Charlie Harshfield

Historical Preservation Representative Report: Jim Sprigler

Agenda Items:

Update from Courtney Paris on Stop Sign at Elm and 13th Street

Emery’s Ice Cream Building

Open Discussion on merger proposal

Vote on merger by ballot




  1. So how did the vote go?

  2. The presidents of the neighborhood associations have asked that the results of the votes not be released until both associations have voted.

  3. Could create awkwardness, don't you think? And who wants to wait another two weeks to find out, seeing as the veto might already have been tossed after tonight?

    Now I need a leak. Not to take a leak, mind you ... but ... Deep Throat, where have you gone?

  4. Well, as bluegill stated previously, it doesn't matter now, does it? Water flows downhill, and people who share a vision will find a way to work with each other no matter the obstacles.

    Anybody remember when the Germans wouldn't have anything to do with the Irish? Apparently, people always need an "other." I think I'll have another, myself.

  5. Ted said it was cool to let people know. Yes to merger, 8-2 I think.

  6. Let the healing begin.

  7. ...if only Main Street could join.

  8. I think this is great news. I look forward to working with the folks at ESNA, there are alot of good people between both groups.

  9. MSPA is too small, I believe. If MSPA does not merge with another association (or even if they do), they should expand westward and include new downtown residents.

  10. There's still another vote left. I may even get to participate in that one.

  11. Why don't all the neighborhood groups get together and just be the Downtown Residents Association, might get that critical mass of people?
