Thursday, May 07, 2009

Beer money: "Down low camp meeting," today's Tribune column.

Earlier in the week, the transgendered faux professor announced a grand victory for the "little people": LITTLE PEOPLE ~ WIN AGAIN...

It seemed like a good time to consider the ongoing phenomenon of the wee ones, which not unexpectedly is far smaller than their hype would have us believe, and so I wrote about it in today's Tribune column.

Beginning today, I'm beginning to introduce to the newspaper's readers those satirical characters and situations developed over the past few years at NAC. It's the direction I've wanted to go all along, and the result should be a parallel universe ripe for the plucking.

This is going to be fun. Enjoy.

BAYLOR: Down low camp meeting
When I saw the little people dressed in their Sunday finest, marching single file through the pet door into the crawl space below the Luddite Bar & Grill, I knew something was up and that bigger guys like me weren’t likely to be on the approved invitation list.

1 comment:

  1. Entertaining!
    Reminded me of something out of the Dark Tower series by King
