Sunday, April 26, 2009

Get ready for the Great Paving Compromise of '09, and '10, and '11 ...

If the most interesting man in the world prefers Dos Equis, is it really possible that he's the most interesting man in the world?

Meanwhile, the Tribune's Daniel Suddeath takes a look at the state of the city's streets, a recalcitrant council and its "Nickels and Dimes" do-as-little-as-possible decay management bloc, and the mayor's inexplicable, ongoing reluctance to expend political capital.

Council members, administration officials meet over resurfacing plan

England is just ready to see something happen.

“I’m going to respect [the council’s] wishes. This is not a time to fight and argue, this is a time to get something done,” he said.

Is getting something done really possible with the current political dynamic in place?


  1. The council has made it clear that they don't have any hopes of accomplishing anything in particular. They have not proactively communicated, planned for, nor pursued any goals related to quality of life improvement or economic development. These are the people who control the purse strings.

    Until that situation changes, those concerned with such things are left with little choice but to not only justify attempts to circumvent the council but to welcome and encourage them, just as they did during the Garner administration.

    I wish it were different. I wish the phrase "work with the council" meant something other than a near guaranteed politically motivated rhetorical beating. I wish the council spent half as much time trying to create things as they do trying to kill them. I wish they paid attention to rules as they apply to the council instead of just when applying them to others is politically expedient. I wish those few members of the council who know better would bring all that up in public meetings.

    I also wish pigs and I could fly.

  2. And may I add....No.

  3. Throwing money at paving is one of the ways this area was destroyed over the last 50 years. I think if people did a little "follow-the-money' analysis they would start making some critical connections. Until citizens desiring change figure out how power works here, there will be no change. The local government structure of two separate "power" bodies fighting, in a town this size, any size..? is self-defeating. As a result so many people and bodies are responsible for setting and maintaining an agenda, that the result is NO ONE is in charge and NO ONE is responsible here. You can not enter the bowels of city hall here and expect change. You are, IMO, deluding yourselves and wasting energy "working with" a governmental body that has no power.

    I want change too. But the "bar-fight" mentality at city/county is probably serving a purpose, and it's not "ours".

  4. "...respect the council's wishes."

    It's been a bad Monday at work and I really needed a good laugh.
