Saturday, April 25, 2009

Early Returns on This Mornings Clean Up Efforts!

Early risers get the empty dumpters! Althought the tire dumpster is already half full

West Ender's Becky Roy & Shirley Baird along with the usual suspects!

Downtown is abuzz as well.

Hi Pat! Keep up the good work!

Mayor England at his finest! No this wasn't photoshopped!!
All in all I'm calling it a good start to the day.
We may accomplish our goal of a clean city after all!Posted by Picasa

1 comment:

  1. Thanks to the efforts of many, the West End clean up has five full dumpsters and I have a sun burn!! THANKS for all the support of the city, Padgett, Lloyd Wimp, Ted Fulmore, Council at large member John Gonder, Shirley Baird, Pat Salisbury, David Roy, Jimmy & Rhonda Graham, and all the residents who chose to participate.....together we can accomplish much.
