Saturday, December 20, 2008

Fan mail for the most wonderful time of the year.

Why keep the unsigned, unidentified gems to myself? The following e-mail arrived "no subject" ... and the breathing is heavy, indeed.

Who the hell are you? A classic example of narcisistic males that are watering down values in our culture.

Used to live in New Albany, nice town, good people. You aren’t one of them. Scary and so sad that people like you have got a hold on the politics there.

Bill Schmidt was my father in law. Good people, he and Anna... as good as they come.

I don’t like you. I am a psychiatric nurse and I see right through you; what you are and what you are not.

You are evil and ugly. You spread hate. Yuck, gives me the shivers to even think about your type of character.

I think the Diagnostic Manual should add to the definition of narcissist “usually has his own blog site”.

I feel sorry for your wife, on the other hand, maybe not. Any woman who would marry and stick with a narcissist usually has problems of her own.
Now that I am through vomiting, I would like to say to you, sir “May God Bless you and your family. Merry Christmas and Happy New Year” and I will say several Our Fathers and Hail Mary's for your good intentions.

I chuckled and thought about IAmHoosier's recent experiences while responding.

Dear Anonymous

You wrote: "Scary and so sad that people like you have got a hold on the politics there."

If you believe we're the ones who have "a hold" of politics here, then I believe you're the delusional one.

Happy holidaze,



  1. "Who the hell are you?
    I don’t like you...
    You are evil and ugly...
    I feel sorry for your wife...
    Now that I am through vomiting,...
    May God Bless you and your family. Merry Christmas and Happy New Year”

    That may be the single funniest "fan" mail you ever get! And vomit and God Bless you are always the perfect sentiment.

  2. Agreed, but Gina, it gets better as the "correspondence" continues. wrote:

    you are a real jerk for picking on Bill Schmidt. That is a fact, jack

    I replied ...


    I notice that you didn't reference the point of my response, which isn't surprising.

    We have sought to analyze the political implications of an elected official, something that is standard bill of fare in a free and open society. Bill Schmidt certainly hasn't been the only one, but all of them assumed that involvement in politics would result in such examinations.

    Each and every instance of commentary has appeared with the author's name clearly identified, so that we take responsibility for our views. This is another tenet of a free and open society.

    If at any juncture there have been grounds for libel or slander, I'm right here, prepared to be responsible for my opinions. You, on the other hand, are angry and anonymous.

    From this perspective, Bill Schmidt and have far more in common, because neither one of us is a coward. And, although I've often disagreed with him with regard to his political and legislative actions, which I view as harmful, I respect him for undertaking his service career without wearing a mask.


    More as the fruitlessness continues

  3. Having recieved more than a few anonymous voicemails in my life, I can empathize that recieving "fan mail" like that sucks, but honestly, I've always felt that if I wasnt ruffling someone's feathers with my efforts in life, then I wasnt working hard enough. I'm sure our conservative pal HB can attest to that as well.

    I suppose my main thought on this cold morning is honestly, why "publish" those sorts of things? Giving any bandwidth to silly notes is a waste of time, and much like the recent shoe throwing incident at our President which made worldwide news (and hence, accomplished its point), it only provides validation to those sending the emails that their ugly messages are being recieved and hitting the mark.

    I've thought on more than one occasion that you give too much time and attention to that nutty "professor" and his/her blog. The only time I ever check it out is after you comment on it. After reading for about 5 seconds, its clear that he/she is a fool - I cant imagine too many folks give it much credence.

    But, back to the topic at hand...if I were you, I would simply smirk at the message, tip a glass of bourbon to my mouth, and puff on a Punch cigar (my personal fave) while clicking the delete button on those ridiculous emails. Remember, there's nothing worse than sending a note to someone and not knowing they got it - so why give the senders the satisfaction of knowing it irked you - let alone wasting the time and energy to send a note back debating points.

    We all know its impossible to win an argument with fools who are too naive or shallow to even consider the other side of an argument. Simply relish the fact that you KNOW that your words & thoughts are being read by folks who might feel very differently, and they're having enough of an effect that it compels the emotions in those people to write you in response.

    Sticks and stones, my friend. Sticks and stones...
