Tuesday, August 26, 2008

Reading comprehension and the New Albany Syndrome.

At the rental registration and code enforcement meeting on Saturday, I heard one rental property owner state that he is "taxed twice."

Later, on another blog, a trogonymous correspondent claimed that rental property owners pay higher property taxes than "business" owners. Leaving aside the fact that rental property ownership is a business, irrespective of how effectively one's Indianapolis lobby extracts legislative concessions and in the process twists common English into semantic pretzels, here's one reference among many (from a South Bend real estate blog) that explains the property tax situation following the "reform" bill earlier this year.

The passed bill retains the “one-two-three” percent caps on property that is residential and owner-occupied (1%), rental or agricultural (2%), and commercial (3%) but requires more than a few asterisks ...

That seems fairly clear to me. You?

1 comment:

  1. Ah udderstan duh 123 but was them 2 lil o's wid duh lin thru em fer?
