Wednesday, July 16, 2008

US Constitution prepares for more spitwads as council meeting approaches.

A child of five would understand this. Send someone to fetch a child of five.
-- Groucho Marx

Groucho sure nailed that one ... hey, be careful -- that ordinance is loaded, Steve.

With July's second council conclave looming, the Green Mouse sez that city council president Jeff Gahan will take colleague Jack Messer at his word, hand the 2nd and 3rd readings of last meeting's redistricting proposal to Steve Price, and watch contentedly as Price buries the papers like the coded plans in Whittaker Chambers's Cold War pumpkin patch.

Am I the only one who speculates how it could be that a councilman serves two terms as president of the body, insists he didn't know about the redistricting imperative until a lawsuit was filed, and then gets sore at people like me for reminding him of it when it was the previously serving councilmen (Coffey, Kochert, Schmidt) who never bothered to bring him up to speed?

You don't think they were trying to protect the status quo, do ya?

Meanwhile, the Wizard of Westside has convened a neighborhood association oddly named Dreamboat Dan's Our Man and is said to be studying outtakes of the Khmer Rouge's Year Zero instructional film for clues as to how to deal with pergessives, snobs and anyone caught wearing eyeglasses.

Okay, enough sarcasm for one morning. At 2:00 p.m. today, on-line radio's New Albany Now will feature a discussion of the redistricting proposal. If you've been reading NAC, you probably already get the picture. If not, chances are you're posting anonymous insults elsewhere.

Knock yourselves out. I'll be in Evansville on Thursday night polling mail carriers about what they view as the charming idiosyncracies of that city's failures that make it so warm and endearing for its resident wee ones. I may even pass through Birdseye in route.


1 comment:

  1. Loved the "Green Mouse" reference.
    Ye Gads, I'm old.
