Tuesday, May 06, 2008

Post-mortem: Today’s election and how the senior editor voted.

Forty minutes ago we walked over to S. Ellen Jones School, navigated the unannounced change in location for precinct #5 (teeth gritting), and did our civic duty.

I’m not speaking for Diana, but I voted Democrat in spite of the fact that I don't consider myself to be one, especially with respect to the gutlessly non-ideological manner that local Democrats conduct their business.

Actually, as a non-naturalized European dropped mistakenly into America at birth by a tragically confused (and probably drunken) stork, I'm politically disenfranchised by the two-party system. However, seeing as Republicans are typically the far greater threat to the common good, I’m happy to participate in the primary and keep my reflexes sharp to vote against John McCain and Mike Sodrel (among others) come autumn.

I did not cast a vote in unopposed races. Here is the list of my preferences:

Barack Obama
Gretchen Clearwater
Mike McDaniel
Stan Robison

I believe that’s all. The Democratic slate for county council was so depressingly colorless that I left it entirely blank, although in truth, I really wanted to vote for Randy Stumler, because I know that deep down inside, he gets it.

He gets it, but he refuses to say it aloud, and he did not answer NAC’s semi-annual request to elucidate the Democratic Party platform … and that refusal isn’t the first … and so I’ve resolved to cease being politically co-dependent. Sorry. It hurts me to write that.

Furthermore, by virtue of the simple fact that Republican chairman Dave Matthews did respond to our platform request – even if certain planks within it bear much further discussion – I consider myself honor bound to give the local GOP a fairer shake come November. That’s a promise, Dave.

Here are a few reminders before you head to the polls.

If you are registered and will be 18 or older by November 4th, 2008, you can vote in the May 6th Primary.

Polls will only be open for 12 hours -- 6 a.m. to 6 p.m. -- and we're anticipating high turnout, so try to vote early in the day. Go before work if you can, or plan to take time to vote on your lunch break.

When you vote, you must bring with you a Photo ID issued by the state of Indiana or the U.S. Government that has your name and an expiration date after November 7th, 2006.

Acceptable ID includes an Indiana driver's license, Indiana state photo ID card, a U.S. Passport, U.S. Military ID or Student ID from an Indiana state school, so long as it includes a photo and an expiration date.

And if this is your first time voting, make sure you bring an acceptable document that shows your current address, such as an Indiana driver's license, current utility bill, bank statement, or paycheck.


  1. We were the 91st and 92nd vote in Precinct 14 (Slate Run School) at 8am. Better than usual turnout for that time, but not great. My 5 month old wanted to vote Obama, but he couldn't produce a photo ID.

  2. We were 32 & 33 in the 5th at roughly 8:45 a.m.

  3. Voted in precinct 41(4H fairgrounds) at 7:00. Walked right in and voted. No waiting. Only a couple of "greeters" outside. Surprising.

  4. Good golly. You had to drive all the way down to the Fairgrounds? What a burden.

  5. Book seller,
    Quite a trip!! Us "burbinites" have a heavy load to bear.

    It was nice to know that I was a resident of Floyd County. At least.
