Saturday, December 22, 2007

8664 says: Contact Louisville's Mayor Abramson.

The following comes from Tyler Allen and JC Stites at The contact information is geared toward Louisville residents; perhaps in January there'll be time to put together a similar list for Hoosiers to let our local officials know what we're thinking.


Dear friend,

We could really use your help. Mayor Abramson has said the Bridges Project is his top priority, so the question is:

Does Mayor Abramson support building the east end bridge first?

According to the Financial Plan submitted by the Ohio River Bridges Project, the east end bridge is scheduled to be started first and completed in 2013. That's less than six years from now. After decades and decades of delay, the east end bridge will finally be a reality.

To learn more about the sequencing of the bridges, view the ORBP Financial Plan.

Presumably, adopting 8664 at half the cost of the Bridges Project would allow the east end bridge to be completed even sooner, but we'll cover that topic in a future email. The most pressing issue is to get a clear answer from the Mayor. So again:

Does Mayor Abramson support the Ohio River Bridges Project's plan to build the east end bridge first?

Please help us get an answer. Contact the Mayor.

We have made it really easy for you to contact the Mayor and all your elected officials to share your views on 8664. Now is a critical time, so please take a few minutes to contact all your representatives. If you don't know what you want to say, no worries, we've included sample text for you to use. Please Contact your elected officials today!

Thanks for all your support in 2007. We've accomplished a great deal. Almost 12,000 sign ups on the website. Released the 8664 Feasibility Study. The 8664 Forum. Metro Council's ad hoc committee to explore 8664. The momentum continues to build and 2008 promises to be the year 8664 reaches the tipping point. Thanks for your support. To make a small donation to Louisville's future, donate online. We're going to make this happen.

8664 Mission
To advocate for the revitalization of Louisville through the removal of Interstate 64 along the riverfront and the adoption of a transportation plan that will provide long-term benefits to the region's citizens, neighborhoods, environment and economy.

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