Tuesday, November 13, 2007

Spitballs at Shrub: See you downtown today.

According to the Louisville Peace Action Community (LPAC), there'll be a formal protest today as President George W. Bush speaks about the economy at the Grand, circa 1:15 p.m.

"Join the protest against Bush, 12:15 - 2:00 p.m. on the north side of Market St., as close to the Grand as possible."

Speaking of the economy, it currently costs a buck forty five to buy a Euro. There's a waiting list to buy stainless steel kegs and hops (for use in beer) -- if you can get 'em at all. Has it occurred to you that with ten minutes worth of expenditure in Iraq, we could revitalize the whole of downtown New Albany?

Do you think this has occurred to the sycophants at 1SI? As Bluegill presciently noted a couple days ago, "Maybe we could open a high tech torture center to kick off the new industrial park and promote the bridges project."

Dave Clancy's former digs at the late, lamented Bistro New Albany have been transformed into Secret Service Central for Dubya's latest propagandistic incursion, and although Mike Sodrel is beaming, the reality of black clad snipers occupying space near to where I once dined on marvelous beef and satisfying progressive pints is damned near sickening.

I feel violated -- much like the Constitution during Bush's disastrous tenure in office.

Protesting? See you down there, and remember: Connor's Place for post-protest ales.

See: Not big enough, Mr. Dalby: If only it were Bono, and not merely a spectacularly failed president.


  1. Be careful whose hand you shake today. Contact with certain people could cause soul-rot; a condition, on a personal level, similar to the debasing effects now underway against the U.S. Constitution and our stature around the world.

  2. I don't know, Roger, G-Dub is supposed to be the kind of guy you can have a beer with and he is a big baseball fan. Maybe you guys would get along. ;)

  3. I was down there for the Pres's visit and I sincerely hope that most of the people down there were not affiliated with LPAC.

    There was too much shoving fighting and name-calling. Anything but peace.
    Of course that's also who the news kept getting shots of. GO figure.

  4. I vigorously oppose Bush, but really councilman-elect John Gonder your comments are not what one would expect from a soon to be city councilman.

    Show some respect for the office of the President

  5. John's comments are exactly what I'd expect from anyone with a conscience.
    I'll grant you that's been a rarity on the city council.

    Your suggestion of respect for the office would be better directed to the coward who currently has innocents murdering innocents while he vacations on the estate his family bought for him.

  6. as I said I am very anti Bush but a soon to be city councilman should show some respect in commenting on another elected official, after all look at Mayor Garner's comments. He said it is an honor to have the President here.

    Mayor Garner shows class even though I am sure he is and has always been opposed to Bush.

    Sorry but Gonder needs to start speaking or publicly commenting as a statesman and not a politician.

    the comment soul rot is kind of uncalled for

  7. perhaps you should ask the KIA soldiers families about their take on soul rot...

  8. then the same should apply to kennedy, Johnson and Nixon for Vietnam.

    Yes I oppose the war in Iraq too, what you people dont get is Gonder must be held to a higher standard than the avg. citizen.

    Thats the price you pay to hold public office, its called decorum. Garner gets it but not the councilman elect.

  9. Irrespective of one's opinions about President Bush, it remains that the price you have to pay to post at NAC is disclosure.

    I know several people named Tim, and you may or may not be one of them, but your profile has been disabled and I've no way of knowing.

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  10. Pardon me "Tim", but what I'd really like to see is the person holding the office to show some respect for the office of the President!
