Tuesday, November 13, 2007

Photos: No torture for a downtown bridge.


  1. Roger:
    Add the link to Bob Hill's column in today's Courier-Journal. It pretty accurately represents all the questions attendees were asking about this "event".

    Where is ISI's head in conceiving of this as useful or representative of our region's aspirations or needs.

    It's entertaining to look at the enlarged photo of the Secret Service guys and imagine some captions: "Where will he have us going next?" "Is this what we have to do to find a 'friendly' audience?" "Small enough town equals dignitaries willing to appear enthusiastic." "Do these people know he's just vetoed spending for human services, education and job retraining?"

    None of, not one, of the SS agents looks like he's having a good time and It's not because they think a sniper is going to jump up on the roof of The Fair building.

    Also puzzling was ISI's press release claiming sponsors for today's visit was ISI, the chamber of commerce and local economic development groups--as if they were separate entities and not those who merged to create ISI. Who's drunk the Kool Aid and whose zooming who?

  2. Exactly, mrg.

    I'm very sorry I couldn't make it today. Thank you for your sign, Roger.

    Hopefully, Develop New Albany, who recently signed on as a 1SI member, and Mayor-elect England, who mentioned them repeatedly while campaigning, will have the wherewithal to speak out against such an egregious abuse of development dollars and the public trust.

    The entire event amounted to nothing but partisan politics on behalf of a man and his minions who've consistently implemented policies of and advocated for (usually in that order since they had to be caught first) Constitutional destruction and the torture, maiming, and killing of hundreds of thousands.

    1SI should be ashamed. It will be interesting to see what the heavy hitters on their board have to say about today's embarrassment.

    1SI Chair Kerry Stemler even announced "They love you" from the stage during the introduction.

  3. I was there with my sign too! Of course since I wasn't yelling, and acting a fool, it didn't get much coverage. :-)

    For those interested it said:

    "This Army Family Says Bring Our Troops Home".

    My first experience at a rally/protest. It was interesting and I'm glad I went.
