Friday, August 24, 2007

You can't always get what you want ...

... but if you try sometimes, you just might find, you get what you need.

Apologies to Mick and the lads. I'm in a good mood tonight, and it's not because of the 4th annual Brew at the Zoo tomorrow afternoon, at which NABC will be dispensing Progressive samples.

Unfortunately, there's no time to elaborate. I'm off to bone up on my geography.

You're never too old to learn, right?

Even the wee ones.

(Archival note: I'd intended to attach as a label "come out, come out, whereverika you are," but it's too long for Blogger to process)


  1. And now, back to the champagne and pate de foie gras.

  2. "frog wah!" Blech.... But to each their own, it would tragic for so many duck and goose livers to never live up to their full potential!

  3. It's only for important occasions.

  4. Corks-a-poppin' all over Progville.

  5. This Two Hearted Ale's for you, as they say. Actually, to several people.

  6. what's the celebration about?

  7. We're prepping for Labor Day by celebrating the grit and determination of the American worker, who does the job he was paid to do -- some times at the point of a writ.
