Thursday, April 05, 2007

"Why don't we get this two or three years ago?"

The City Council argued about the still unresolved fire department hiring ordinance again Monday night.

The Mayor finally took control on Tuesday; with the Board of Public Works passing its own hiring resolution.

The media has been all over it.

Where was 3rd district uncouncilman Steve Price in that mix?

Wondering what was going on, as usual.

As of Monday night’s meeting, Price made it clear he didn’t know. He didn’t know that the Council had been considering the ordinance for the majority of his reign of error. He didn't remember without prompting that he was part of the hold up; having earlier voted against the ordinance his colleagues had developed after months of work and suggested revisions.

He did, however, use his cluelessness as an excuse to cheap shot progress in the form of a spiteful, completely irrelevant jab at Scribner Place, a battle he lost in July of 2005.

That’s what some of us call a triple double and it’s worthy of replay.

*Apologies for the shaky video. Tripod-less videography while laughing is difficult. Make sure your volume is up.


  1. Who is this Steve Price you keep writing about?

    Oh yeah, I forgot.

  2. CM Price keeps bringing up Scribner Place to make the point about the debt limit.

    Wait, we refuted that one. Looks like he was wrong. Again.

    Actually, the regressive element has adopted Scribner Place as a synonym for progress, which they're of course against.

    This means that by their own terminology choice, progress will be unfolding as the buildings rise.

    As that occurs, we must show compassion and understanding for our modernity challenged brethren.

  3. Anonymous2:54 PM

    Thanks for the video. It is great for those of us that cannot make it to the performances.

    Keep up the good work

  4. that's awesome getting video of the spectacle downtown. Hee Haw returns!!

  5. i really thought some of you were making these meetings more than they were. boy was i wrong.

    probably the most unprofessional minute and 30 seconds i've seen.

  6. The truth is, Tommy, I considered not posting the video as it represents such a relatively benign example of that unprofessional behavior.

    It's often much worse.

  7. that blows me away BG!!! i can smell the arrogance from these two coming through my monitor.
