Wednesday, April 04, 2007

Three cheers for the king

Like everyone else in the city, Mayor James Garner has had to spend an inordinant amount of time trying to circumvent a disinterested, dysfunctional City Council. Yesterday, he did so admirably in moving to resolve the firefighter hiring situation. My only complaint is that it took him as long as it did.

While I haven't always agreed with Garner, no one who's been paying attention for the past few years could disagree with his most recent statement that the Council has created "a mockery of the democratic process", casually and consistently ignoring whichever laws apply to their actions and allowing irrelevant personal disputes to overcome professional responsibility.

To be sure, fingers will be pointed, lawyers will be consulted, and nary a grandstanding opportunity will be missed. Through it all, though, no one on the Council will be able to offer a rational explanation beyond their own collective incompetence as to why the firefighter hiring situation has gone unresolved since being presented to them in late 2005.

That's because there isn't one.

Keep that in mind as they and others line up to testify about the evils of the executive branch.

Firefighters' hiring plan OK'd: New Albany mayor defies City Council by Dick Kaukas, The Courier-Journal


  1. I personally do not care if the Mayor went about things through a back door to get this issue over and done with, so we can move on and get the best candidates for the the fire fighting jobs.
    The safety and well being of this community has got to come before the rusted, stuck political machine that our council has become.
    El Presidente Larry was on the news calling the Mayor the King, perhaps he is just a little ticked off because some one actually did something with substance in this town!

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. I accidentally removed my own posting, shoot. Oh well...I'll keep my opinion over on my side, because we obviously disagree on this issue; and it will do no good disagreeing. Thanks.
