Beginning yesterday, the Tribune’s candidate questionnaire answers have started to appear at the newspaper’s website:
Election 2007
Here are my current favorite quotes, pulled entirely out of context. Some are funny, some revealing, and others vapid. What are yours? Visit the Tribune's web site and let us know.
Election 2007
Here are my current favorite quotes, pulled entirely out of context. Some are funny, some revealing, and others vapid. What are yours? Visit the Tribune's web site and let us know.
James Garner (D; mayor): “We need to create a Landlord registration program for all rental housing units in the city.”
Doug England (D; mayor): “Too many of our beautiful and historic structures have been broken up into apartments and, all too often become slums. These neglected properties can be rehabilitated and provide homes for families to make our once charming neighborhoods desirable again.”
Larry Scharlow (D; mayor): (Answering the question, “What specific attributes make you a good leader?) "I am educated … I have 36 years business experience … I have successfully raised 8 productive children.” (8 kids ... 9 council members ... good luck, Larry)
Randy Hubbard (R; mayor): “The Greenway Project is well underway. It began more than two administrations ago. I will continue to monitor its progress and stay abreast of the overall plan.”
Dan Coffey (D; council; 1st): “Graduate of “75” New Albany High School.”
Theresa Timberlake (D; council; 1st): “Put more money in our children's education. They are the future we all are counting on.”
Maury Goldberg (D; council; 3rd): “I bring experience to the Third District City Councilman’s Office. I have held the office in the past. For I understand budgets, know how the City Council works and I know how to get things done. I have kept all my promises.”
Charlie Harshfield (D; council; 3rd): “Along with code enforcement I would like to establish a rental inspection program to insure safe and habitable housing for tenants. Rental housing is one of the largest industries within the inner city of New Albany and yet unlike other businesses does not adhere to any set of rules or guidelines.”
Steve Price (D; council; 3rd): "An open two-way line of communication that is respectful of others’ ideas and opinions will get us all on the same page.”
Roger Hefler (D; council; 4th): “Hometown Pride.” (Repeated four times in all)
Pat McLaughlin (D; council; 4th): “There has been improvement recently and finger pointing must top, rather the present culture must change even if it means changing personnel. We must change the culture of the system that has been in place for possibly decades.”
Jameson Bledsoe (R; council; 5th): “I plan on persuading the council to take aggressive action against those who do not want to see New Albany grow to become the premiere living area of all Louisville.”
Richard Bliss (R; council; 5th): “Would attempt to provide business-like, nonpartisan and professional conduct during public meetings.”
James Garner (D; mayor): “We need to create a Landlord registration program for all rental housing units in the city.”
Doug England (D; mayor): “Too many of our beautiful and historic structures have been broken up into apartments and, all too often become slums. These neglected properties can be rehabilitated and provide homes for families to make our once charming neighborhoods desirable again.”
Larry Scharlow (D; mayor): (Answering the question, “What specific attributes make you a good leader?) "I am educated … I have 36 years business experience … I have successfully raised 8 productive children.” (8 kids ... 9 council members ... good luck, Larry)
Randy Hubbard (R; mayor): “The Greenway Project is well underway. It began more than two administrations ago. I will continue to monitor its progress and stay abreast of the overall plan.”
Dan Coffey (D; council; 1st): “Graduate of “75” New Albany High School.”
Theresa Timberlake (D; council; 1st): “Put more money in our children's education. They are the future we all are counting on.”
Maury Goldberg (D; council; 3rd): “I bring experience to the Third District City Councilman’s Office. I have held the office in the past. For I understand budgets, know how the City Council works and I know how to get things done. I have kept all my promises.”
Charlie Harshfield (D; council; 3rd): “Along with code enforcement I would like to establish a rental inspection program to insure safe and habitable housing for tenants. Rental housing is one of the largest industries within the inner city of New Albany and yet unlike other businesses does not adhere to any set of rules or guidelines.”
Steve Price (D; council; 3rd): "An open two-way line of communication that is respectful of others’ ideas and opinions will get us all on the same page.”
Roger Hefler (D; council; 4th): “Hometown Pride.” (Repeated four times in all)
Pat McLaughlin (D; council; 4th): “There has been improvement recently and finger pointing must top, rather the present culture must change even if it means changing personnel. We must change the culture of the system that has been in place for possibly decades.”
Jameson Bledsoe (R; council; 5th): “I plan on persuading the council to take aggressive action against those who do not want to see New Albany grow to become the premiere living area of all Louisville.”
Richard Bliss (R; council; 5th): “Would attempt to provide business-like, nonpartisan and professional conduct during public meetings.”
Sam Anderson (R; council; 6th): “--- ” (did not return the survey)
Dick Stewart (R; council; 6th): “Start a revolving home ownership program for first time home buyers who qualify to be repaid over a five to 10 year time frame. This would increase ownership and home pride while reducing rentals.”
V. A. Bolovschak (R; council; at-large): “New Albany is a diamond in the rough and all it's going to take is someone like me, with a vision and a commitment to develop this community to be all that it can be.”
Editor's note 4/20/07: It should be noted that the Tribune's survey did not include unopposed candidates in non-mayoral races, i.e., 6th district D, 5th district D, 4th district R and city clerk D. It was the newspaper's, not the individual candidate's, decision.
Most of the answers look very good, Heflers response seems to be that of some one who has no clue of what they are in for (rumored he is a puppet candidate to take the primary, and give way to an independent candidate in the fall named Kochert??)
I have to agree that there is some vanity in Valla Ann's response, but I have to admit, she has accomplished alot for this city.
As far as the gentelman who did not return the survey, I hope the ballots in the 6th are returned with out his name.
Steve Price???? looked like a well constructed sentence to say really nothing at all.
Chris, I also heard something about LK supporting the Republican David Aebersold in order to run as an Indie. After my Mother's death in February, I swore to myself that I would not continue as an Independent candidate..I just wasn't up to it. However, only one person can be on the ballot as an Independent, and if LK is putting on a puppet show just to run as an Indie, I may re-consider to block him. My ideas and views are still circulating, I'm sure, I've heard echoes of some of my ideas from a few other candidates.
I want to respond to each candidates responses in this article.
1. A Landlord registration program can only be effective if it is followed up with a rental property semi-annual inspection. Knowing who owns the properties would be an effective way to cut down on absentee landlords, but if there is no inspection process, or follow up of any kind, what's the point?
2. The historic structures which now have apartments, that have become slums. I agree that these properties could be rehabilitated, but I also think that having a semi-annual rental property inspection, and adding a requirement that landlords, before renting an apartment, or house, get a complete criminal background check done on the prospective tenant. This would show any priors involving drugs...prostitution...etc.
3. Mr. Scharlow has done, and is continuing to be a breath of fresh air in this campaign. He is the one candidate, in my opinion, that is open to trying new ideas and making New Albany a destination, not a stop off for gas.
4.I think the Greenway Project should be expanded to allow more than just a bike/jogging/walking path, but to allow commercial development on OUR waterfront. Look what Jeffersonville and Clarksville have on THEIR waterfronts. Why not us too? Why not sell municipal bonds to those who would want to develop our riverfront? Why not try to broaden our tax base to make New Albany more attractive to new businesses?
5. Mr. Coffey, I'm a graduate of "72" - New Abany High School...SO WHAT? I remember being taught to be myself..be original, and creative. I understand that Mr. Coffey isn't accepting any contributions or donations for his campaign so he can be free of responding to political favors later on...it seems that at least this idea of mine rubbed off on him. I still think it's a good idea. I think that a candidate, at any level, should be elected on what he proposes he/she can do, not on how much money his/her campaign has.
6. I agree that the children are our future, locally and nation wide, and that more funding is needed. I also feel, for added funding, that this is an area that should be a joint venture with local and state governments, since the New Albany Floyd County Consolodated School system is state funded. Locally, we could establish a tutoring program, and look in to creating a model for the all-day Kindergarten concept.
7. Mr. Goldberg, you have my utmost respect, and your experience is very well received. I see you as maybe a future President of the next City Council. Lord knows that it needs someone honest and with a level head. Good luck with your campaign!
8. Obviously, with my previous comments on this, Mr. Harshfield and I are in agreement about having a rental inspection program. On Code Enforcement, I still think, in order for any "program" to be effective at all, the Code Enforcement should be expanded to at least 20 officers, 10 assigned to new violations, and 10 assigned to follow up on previous citations. I also still think that the City legal team should be provided with enough funding to add personel to start enforcing the ordinances being violated.
9. Mr. Price, I agree that 2-way communication is a major key. Listening to constituents, who vote you in, and being willing to act positively when voting one way or another, is also part of being "respectful of others’ ideas and opinions", and not just talking one way and winding up doing what you want.
10. "Hometown Pride" should include being your own man...not a puppet. If the rumor is true, LK is only acting in HIS best interest..himself.
11. Mr. McLaughlin, I too agree that the way the city does it's business needs to be changed. I don't agree that just putting new faces in the offices alone will do this. These new "faces" must have some idea of what they want to accomplish, and what can be accomplished. There has to be a degree of urgency, and compromise to put this city in the direction of growth and development. The code of ordinances needs to updated to be up to 2007 standards not those from the 1960's.
12. I didn't know New Albany was part of Louisville...maybe we should contact Jerry Abramson for help with the streets, the sewers, the garbage...etc.
13. Mr. Bliss shows to me that he is open to hearing all debates and ideas on an open playing field, and acting positively for the city.
14. I have no comment on Mr. Stewart's statement about the revolving home ownership plan.
15. I agree with Ms. Bolovschak that New Albany is a "Diamond in the rough", and that the city needs someone with a vision, and commitment to develop this community to all it can be. I also think that it involves more than 1 person in order to cut this diamond properly and form it into a beautiful piece of jewelry. Ms. Bolovschak has done a lot for this city, but there are a lot of people in this city, with wants, needs, and ideas of their own. Hopefully the vision is not tunnel-vision.
This my view from the outside..looking in.
With LK out of the picture at least for now, it would be wonderful if you would/could reconsider your running on the independent ticket this fall.
Even if you fail, it could as you stated, be a block on LK entering.
How dare you contemplate standing in the path of King Larry's new IMP movement (or was that bowel movement?) -- Imperial Margarine Party.
referring back to the Agamemnon comparison from posts of yore....perhaps if rumors are true, one of the three candidates are symbolic of a trojan horse
Sounds like a real "Country Crock" to me. King Larry..a.k.a. the "Prince of Pompus"...maybe there will still be a November surprise for the 4th after all!
I need a pint of good Progressive Ale! What's good tonight Roger?
Jasmine the Mastiff -- from the Brewer's Best Friend series (named for my brewers' dogs). It is a smooth, mellow sweet stout.
Jasmine the Mastiff..Sounds good.
Whoa, Nelly!! Vision . . . commitment . . . Valla Ann, you need to lower those hemlines and cast those eyes down. Where's your modesty, girl?
Just because I enjoy tweaking doesn't mean I wouldn't vote for her.
There'll be a lengthier piece this weekend on the Ms. Bolovschak phenomenon (everyone else uses surnames, right?) You'll read it as a smear piece, but in fact, it will be tantamount to an endorsement of the "good" face.
The local phenomenon known as Valla Ann is worthy of her own thread. Whether a person likes her personally or not, the accomplishments she has obtained for our city, where our current administration could not or would not get tasks done, she has stepped up to the plate on her own time, her own money and got the job done, the greenway would not be an issue at all, other than how to start over had it not been for her in Indy doing in three days what our administration should have been doing for months. The same can be said of the rail road situation in town as well, changes are coming, and she was instramental in those changes.
The diamond in the rough statement in the paper caught some flack, even some ribbing from me. But after re-reading it and giving thought to just how much she has accomplished for our city, not just city wide, there is a pretty amazing story of what she did for an individual family in crisis where most of us would have said "gee thats too bad" and simply went about our business, She is exactly what she is, she tells it exactly how it is, her campaign so far has been honest, we know where she stands, and what she has done, and she is one of the few that were willing to come to my precinct to talk to residents in an area that is often overlooked, forgotten,and currently ignored by downtown. What separates her from the others in my opinion is she has the facts to back up what she says she has accomplished, which is a good indication of what we could expect of her as a member of our council. Why am I posting this? Simply because I feel like my intitial posting on here slighted her and her accomplishments for US. She is a good person, who is fighting the good old boy politics just like we are, but she has taken it one further step and has decided to run for office.
She has earned my respect as a person, a business woman, and in playing the politics game, the last two of which are very hard to do with me as I tend to put people under a microscope in these two arenas, and all I can see is good.
I can not say that everyone needs to like her, but I can say she at least deserves our respect and thanks for her actions.
Just wondering, and I'm not debating this, I'm glad that Ms. Bolovschak is working on this and is getting results but, what changes are coming concerning the railroad situation in NA? Have you heard as to when can these changes be expected? This was a project that I was very concerned with and that I had written to Rep.Baron Hill about (with no response by the way) and was poised to do further action, but I got away from it all when the situation with my Mother came up in February. I did speak to Marcey Wisman, who had visited my Mother in February while she was at Seabrook's on Market St., and I mentioned, in conversation, about the 15th Street track problem. She said, "They're (CSX)out there working on the tracks now". When we left Seabrook's, headed to New Albany National Cemetary where my Mom (and Dad)is now, I did indeed see a CSX crew on 15th Street working out around Ekin or Beeler. I have also had the occaision since then, to ride in Grantline Rd and see huge CSX equipment parked there (I think it's gone now), and I thought..ok, something's going to get done. In the last week, I drove 15th Street from Market all the way until to the end of 15th Street. In spots, there has been surface repair and paving done. Overall, the track remains in the same condition, with broken rails and crossties, grass growing out of the track bed, and the entire line of track sinking. Unless you have a SUV type vehicle, don't attempt the Oak Street crossing or you risk dragging the bottom of your car. I did this, and my exaust pipe is now hanging lower than it should under my car.
I saw where the city had completed the sewer repairs on 15th and they seemed to be flowing nicely, I think it's time for CSX to put up, or shut down. Repair or find another route.
Sorry, I forgot to proofread my previous post for grammar..
It is my understanding that Ms. VAB has had some rather high level meetings with officials from both CSX and Norfolk Southern. (considering a blog entry on this topic)
It is my understanding that repairs will be underway on the tracks, with little or no revenue from the city involved, but please do not quote me on that, I will try and verify the info.
I do know that at least one of the officials from the rail roads were in town for a meeting w/ her regarding the quiet zone on main, and the addition of the crossguards along the floodwall when the gentlemsn was struck and killed, and he viewed that area of the tracks.
But as I said, these are items I would like to verify before these comments are "on the record", and I attempt to do so very soon.
Chris, I know she's had several meetings with INDOT recently regarding the CSX tracks, and is getting assistance at state level on it. I haven't time to get a thorough update from her, but would appreciate it if you would.
Hence, the Bolovschak conundrum.
One one hand, she's undoubtedly done good deeds on behalf of the city. On the other, I've personally witnessed council meeting grandstands in which she butchers any semblance of factual truth, showcasing her propensity for the same self-serving tomfoolery that cripples our current political culture.
Chris wrote: " ... She is exactly what she is, she tells it exactly how it is, her campaign so far has been honest, we know where she stands ... "
This simply isn't so.
Bear in mind that I differ not one bit from the things Ms. Bolovschak (surname) has done above ground.
But we must be aware that directly or indirectly, and whether or not it continues to be the case -- and just to mention one -- she has in the past enabled and abetted the troglodyte slander machine known as Freedom of Speech.
What is bothersome about this is not the political dirty tricks of it. I'm a cynic. You might even say I'm for such tactics, but seeing as rampant disingenuousness is the mutant gene in the New Albany pool, I feel compelled to air hers for public viewing -- precisely because she does not want it to be public.
This doesn't mean I don't "like" her. I do. I respect what she's done, and I've always given credit where credit is due, but this doesn't mean she or anyone else should get a free pass, especially when he or she thinks they've come to a place with people too stupid too notice the difference.
Elect her to the council, mayor, or dictator; it's all the same to me. She couldn't do woorse than what's there now, and she'd probably do better. Just know that what she wants you to see is not all there is to be seen -- and make a mature, adult choice.
Roger, I do not doubt for one minute that what you do for the community is dimished in any manner by way of comparison. And yes, you do present both sides of the coins when there is credible information to be posted, no doubt there either. The information you post on here is timely, informative, and educational with a humorous twist.
As far as tantrums and theatrics at Government meetings, I think everyone who is truly active around here have done the same. Hell, I should have been nominated for a couple of Oscars for the theatrics and drama at some myself, some not in the too distant past, as well as further back.
I admit fully, I have a personal association with her, she is, and has been a good family friend for many years, I will admit that this has SOME bearing on the formation of my political opinion, but I also feel that bearing is minimal.
But I can honestly say that relationship has little to do with my backing her in the election. My decision for that is based only on the results she has obtained for the community, she and I are mature enough to realize and accept that if we should have a difference of opinion regarding such issues, it is just that a difference of opinion, and its happened plenty.
Perhaps, on this note is would best to agree that we disagree, after all having one issue come up that there is this level of disagreement in the time that I have been visiting and posting on this blog is a pretty good track record.
And it speaks volumes that the post was not deleted as some blogs have a habit of doing, and that both contributors answered back.
A healthy debate is good at times!
Fair enough csd, and there's no problem here in having an issue upon which we agree to disagree.
I'm merely attempting to balance the public record by rebutting certain of the candidate's manufactured talking points with examples of the -- shall we say -- darker and less examined side of her coin.
It's all in the name of the game of politics my friend.
When one accepts the challenge of an election, they are opening themselves up to critisism on the molecular level.
As for me, I am off for a few days of hell...tomorrow my brother has a fairly big surgery, it is opening night of grease at New Albany High School for my Daughter,final days of putting together an emergency response plan for 4 clinics, and time to break out all of the cameras to try and get some good shots of the F22 Raptor...I mean if my tax money helped pay for the 300+ million dollars for each of those birds, I want to at least own a photograph or two!
Thanks for the CSX information Chris & Roger. If Ms. Bolovschak is able to pull the strings needed to get the tracks fixed, I say bully for her!
John wrote: "If Ms. Bolovschak is able to pull the strings needed to get the tracks fixed, I say bully for her!"
The selling point of regimes like Mussolini's was that they "made the trains run on time."
The question for reasonable, ethical people to ask is this: "What are you prepared to condone to make the trains run on time?"
Is there not an ethical consideration at some point in the journey?
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