Monday, April 23, 2007

Questions needed for 3rd district candidate Q & A session on Tuesday, May 1.

The 3rd district candidate Q & A session described in the press release below takes place one week from tomorrow (May 1, 2007).

What questions would you like to see asked? Here's an example:

How can we achieve progress by design through implementing the principles of New Urbanism in our core neighborhoods?

Please pass along your questions in the comments here, e-mail the senior editor privately (see the profile for address) or forward to the organizers by the method outlined below.

Good questions can make or break such a forum ... and NAC will be there to record the answers.


The S. Ellen Jones Neighborhood Association and the East Spring Street Neighborhood Association are proud to host a Question and Answer Session with the three candidates vying to represent the 3rd District of New Albany. The candidates are:

Steve Price (D) Incumbent
Maury Goldberg (D) Challenger
Charlie Harshfield (D) Challenger

When: Tuesday, May 1st – 6:00pm to 7:30pm

Where: S. Ellen Jones Elementary School, 600 East 11th Street, New Albany, Indiana
(Meeting to take place in the cafeteria)


§ Each Candidate will have 10 minutes to introduce himself to attendees (30 minutes)

§ Questions and Answers (60 minutes)

§ Resident Questions are to be submitted prior to the meeting*

§ Email Questions to SEllenJonesNA(at) (replace "at" with @) or call 812-941-0466 and leave a voice mail

§ A Moderator will read questions aloud and each candidate will have 3 minutes to respond

§ Candidate rebuttals of 1 minute will be allowed

§ If submitted questions are exhausted then the Moderator will facilitate questions from the audience

*Because time is limited, there is no guarantee that all submitted questions will be asked.

For more information, please call 812.941.0466, email at SEllenJonesNA(at) (replace "at" with @) or visit

1 comment:

  1. Speaking of unresponsive public figures, join NAC as we gasp in amazement at this, Day 48 of our ongoing Steve "Grandma's cookie jar" Price blogwatch.

    The 3rd district incumbent’s last blog posting appeared on March 6.

    Has it occurred to you that irrespective of the outcome on May 8, more 3rd district residents will vote against CM Price than for him?
