Monday, April 23, 2007

Non-existent professor endorses … herself.

We don’t need no educayshion.

What strikes me is Vicki Denhart’s amazing ability to ignore her intrinsic tackiness in pretending to be someone else, then endorsing her own candidacy for the city council.


  1. I found it a little ironic that Mr. Gonder actually has a political science degree. Ms Denhart pretends to be a professor of political science.

    I don't know what area of government she was involved in before but it could explain why everything is so screwed up now.

    Read something Mr. Gonder writes and then read something Ms Denhart writes. Absolutely no comparison. Not to mention truthfulness.

  2. You know its bad when even her alter ego places her second on the endorsment list of at large candidates!!

  3. "... All of our children attend or attended private and/or public school."
    From Freedom of Speech blog posted Sunday, April 22,2007.

    Nice to know that they sent their children to school. Gee, I wonder why nobody else sends their children to school?

    Whoever wrote that needs to go to school.

  4. Why, Hoosier...
    How dare you question the tutelage of an imposturous poli-sci professor?
    Besides, we should resign ourselves to the fact that all of us "little people" Erik(a) protects aint got none of them there book learnin's to understand those big city ways of sendin' lil bubba or daisy may off to some fancy smancy skool house to get book smarts when they's do just a tendin to them there milkin cows and weedin the corn rows!!
