Monday, January 08, 2007

A reminder: NAC "Meet 'n' Greet" is tonight at 7: 00 pm, and you're invited.

At Rich O's Public House, 3312 Plaza Drive:

NAC "Meet 'n' Greet" is on Monday, January 8, and you're invited.


  1. I'm not sure exactly what it is yet, but it's probably indicative of something that we've chosen to use the most powerful communication tool the world has ever known to get to know our neighbors.

  2. C - at least 9 pm, perhaps a bit after?

  3. Roger,

    Thanks for a great evening. Really enjoyed meeting everyone and putting faces with names. Am proud to be a Confidentaholic. The beer was awesome, too. I appreciate all your efforts at making New Albany an even better place to live.

    Stephen Scott

  4. Anonymous11:15 PM

    Great event Roger. Thanks!

  5. Thanks to all in attendance. The evening was informative and entirely non-ideological, except when John Manzo spoke of lobsters.

  6. Thanks for hosting Roger. It was a fun evening. Let's do it again soon. I'm thinking a quarterly meet and greet is a good schedule. Thoughts anyone?

  7. Thanks Roger! I really enjoyed it--but didn't get a chance to talk to everybody, darn it!

    Quarterly sounds good to me, also.

  8. Same as everyone above, it was a great evening. Really nice to meet new people.

  9. Wish I'd made it earlier but I'm looking forward to the next one at La Rosita. thanks Roger.

  10. There were too many good people and too much good energy to digest in one evening. I barely had room for a couple of pints.

    How about one or two more on a monthly schedule to establish a habit and then a quarterly schedule to maintain it?

  11. Bluegill proposed:

    "How about one or two more on a monthly schedule to establish a habit and then a quarterly schedule to maintain it?"

    This strikes me as good, especially in the colder weather months ahead.

    Last night we spoke of meeting at La Rosita's (upstairs room) in about a month, then with Pastor Manzo at St. Marks another month or so after that.


  12. Bluegill, how did you get to be so smart? Great idea to instill the habit.

  13. I agree that it was a wonderful time. I enjoyed ithe conversation thoroughly, but was also disappointed that I didn't get to speak with everyone. I had to leave at about 8:15, so I'm sure that I missed some who arrived later. I'm definitely hip for doing it again next month.

  14. Anonymous9:38 AM

    Dear Roger,
    Thank you for a nice evening. I enjoyed your hospitality. The whole evening was wonderful in meeting ,talking,putting faces to people who blog, and an evening of good conservation. I look forward to any event in the future either every month or every three months.


  15. I meant to read that Seven Habits of Highly Effective People book once, but I forgot.

    If wanting to talk to people and drink beer makes people smart, then there's no limit to my genius. Of course, it could have something to do with the several other people who suggested largely the same thing last night.

    I'm for it, whenever it is.

  16. Anonymous9:52 AM

    I too would like to thank you for a great gathering. I wish we had more time to stick around and talk with everyone. Perhaps at the next meet I will get that chance. But it was great to meet those I spoke with! Look forward to doing it again.
    Oh yeah, lets not forget, isnt the FOS meet and greet at the little chef diner later tonight?

  17. Yes it is. They'll be meeting in the banquet room, i.e., the stools on the Market Street side.

  18. Anonymous10:22 AM

    But wait, the most important question. Does La Rosita's have margaritas?

  19. Jim and I are still recovering from jet lag, but you can count us in for the next meeting. I haven't had a decent cheese dip since I left in August so La Rosita sounds great to me!

  20. Not legally. They have a two-way license, i.e., beer and wine only.

    Perhaps I'll arrange with Israel to bring some special beer for the occasion.

  21. Great to have you back, Tabitha (and Jim).

  22. Thanks Roger, this was a great idea, and I look forward to the next one. Sorry that I wasn't more talkative. I was exhausted from only having about 8 hours sleep total the previous 4 nights, and spending all night (Sun-early Mon) in the FMH -ER with my Mother for the 2nd weekend in a row. I just sort of stood there like a zombie with a grin and a Guinness I will be awake for the next one, and the situation with my Mom is about to change...she's going to Lincoln Hills... at least for a while.

  23. Ditto to all on the putting faces to names and making new friends.

    Looking forward to La Rosita's next month!

    Thanks for the hospitality Roger & company!
