Tuesday, January 09, 2007

Ghost writer in the sky?

I suppose it was inevitable. After all, it's an election year ... and what's an election campaign without a politican shamelessly dissembling his record?

Steve Price – My Vision.

That's right. A blog.

Here’s a teaser:

I am progressive, in the perspective meaning of “not bound by traditional ways or beliefs”.

Simply breathtaking.

Stay tuned for Dan Coffey - My Bologna and Larry Kochert - My Reverie ... both coming soon to a blog near you.


  1. I noticed that his blog doesn't allow "comments". Gee...I wonder why.

  2. Perhaps he also views rape with a meaning not bound by traditonal ways or beliefs ...? With understanding to Roger's differing position, may God help us all through this year!

  3. I know I am subjecting myself to a big blast here, but I have to say, in all fairness, that I have not had any problems with Steve Price. He has always been more than willing to discuss things with me, and he has been helpful and responsive.

    If I had to cite a specific area that I think isn't the best it could be, I'd say that applying the same financial philosophy, reasoning and methods that a small business owner uses is not the most effective way to approach city/governmental budgeting and spending. They are two different animals.

    But, small business is what his experience is in, and our city doesn't have a specific educational/background requirement to hold a Council position, nor does it provide any method to educate incoming council members, as far as I am aware.

    You run for office, and if you get the majority vote, you're pretty much thrown in there with no preparation at all. I'd be floundering if I was ever on Council--it's a complicated job, and there isn't any sort of training provided.

    From what I know of his personal life, he is similar to a lot of us--living here all his life, raising and educating a child, a homeowner in a modest neighborhood.

  4. I'm going to move this to a new marquee posting in an effort to start a discussion.

  5. NAA,

    I am certain that Steve's heart is in the right place when it comes to the plight of the fixed income older folks that make up his voter base.

    I have seen him in action in this arena. He always listens to their complaints, reports them to the responsible official, and returns to share said officials response.

    But here is where it stops. He does not follow thru to see that action is taken, and he will not go over the head of that person to the next level to insure that it is. He is satisfied with coming back and saying "Well I tried, but I can't make them do their job!"

    When it comes to council meetings, he is consistently opposed to anything that comes close to an expenditure of dollars, even when it does not involve the cities money. He will not go to the responsible parties involved and ask his own questions but rather relies on pat answers and speculations of others to base his decisions on. Further he refuses to alter his position even when presented with irrefutable facts to the contrary by persons who have the education, experience, and doumentable evidence to support whatever it is they are expousing.

    Nice guy or not, if I were on the operating table facing open heart surgery, I would not want to have a self taught, backyard veterenarian standing over me with a butcher knife in his hands!

    We all want the rats to be gone, the trash collected, the drug houses closed, the slumlords controlled and all other city services to be cost efficient & effective.

    We will never acheive any of these things with people in ether branch of New albany government who are living in the past & refuse to look outward to the future.

    We either grow with the world around us or watch in stark horror our demise as a community.
