Monday, December 11, 2006

Photographed in Fredericksburg, Indiana ...

... on December 7th, a day still known to a handful of Americans as Pearl Harbor Day, by loyal reader Edward Parish.

Ed writes:

If you haven't heard or seen for yourself, there is a Nazi flag flying from a home in Fredericksburg, IN, behind the post office on Hwy 150.

Constitutionally protected? Yes.

Tasteless to the extreme? Yes, again -- and a bit too high in the air to reach with NAC's patented SpamGone, the street spam removal facilitator.

First rural Washington County, and next they'll be coming after the video poker machines in New Albany's Legion halls ...


  1. Anonymous10:31 AM

    Wow. Tasteless to the extreme to be sure. Ignorant to the extreme as well. But if ignorance is, indeed bliss, there are a lot of happy campers running around.

  2. Very sickening to view this upon bringing up the page. I guess, at times, we need to be sickened a bit.

  3. Muchas Ed and I noted on his blog, it is a question of scale and fashion, I suppose.

    We are all subject to irony, it is only a question of recognizing such.

    What is transgressive or edgy to one soul will be an emblam of the nefarious to others. I suppose brandishing such outside under the aquamarine may tip the scales somewhat.

  4. Surely I am reading that wrong.

  5. Please re-think and do more research Mr. Cannon. The Soviet's beat the real German Army all the way back to Berlin.

    And yes we do not ever need another madman like Hitler.

    Race is another topic you probably wish not to venture into.
