Sunday, December 10, 2006

One excellent morning's "street spam" sign sharkin'.

Heck, we caught a mess of 'em down State 'tween Spring Street and Battlestar Galactica, back there over my shoulder. Took a dozen of those orange colored bottom feeders*, and a couple others, too.

* Latin name, slumlordis enablis.

See: One fine Sunday spent "street spam" sharkin'.
And: Netpointe's street spam: We do not like it here or there ... we do not like it anywhere.
And: Street spam, sign sharks and the sheer joy of litter removal.
And: The mobile sign shark kicks off the 2006 anti-street spam beautification campaign.

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  1. Observe fellow citizens a fit and trim SS(Street Sharkin) warrior awaiting the next quarter of play near the FMH Arena.

    RAB, are you the one to coin the "street sharkin" phrase?

    If so, it is catchy....

  2. Ed - no, I can't lay claim to it, althugh if I were Prof. Erika, I'd probably try to give you that impression.
