Wednesday, May 03, 2006

At least a couple of eyebrow raisers in yesterday's primary election.

In last night’s NBA playoff action, all four homestanding favorites beat back challenges from pesky underdogs.

Here in Floyd County, longstanding incumbent county councilman (and council president) Ted Heavrin wasn’t as fortunate, falling to first-time candidate Tom Pickett in a lightly attended Democratic primary.

In another race of interest here at NAC, incumbent township trustee Tom Cannon also was defeated.

Baron Hill and Mike Sodrel handily won their primaries, and will spend money like drunken sailors between now and November during the course of a major-league rematch.

Check the New Albany Tribune and Courier-Journal web sites for election results and analysis.

Pending any thoughts from our resident political wonk, All4Word, I’m content to open the comments section for discussion – if any.


  1. Speaking personally, I was dismayed that Don Sakel was the top vote-getter in the at-large school board race.

    One of these days, I'll tell you why. Let's just say that the New Albanian has a long memory when it comes to cowardice.

  2. Neither mainstream political party seems savvy enough to realize it yet, but New Albany is advancing in spite of them. Due to limited government accomplishment, more and more individual citizens are realizing the futility of supporting the current local system, shouldering the burden of leadership themselves and doing quite well. It will take some time, but eventually those big fishes in the governmental small pond are going to find themselves surrounded by an ocean they don't recognize.

  3. Was later on my voting time than normal and was real shocked at being the 135th at 3:00PM.

    Spot checked my way through the Liberal, excuse me that would be the Democrat sheet, for people who I thought would make a difference.

    The poll workers were either so bored or so unorganized that it was a very uncomfortable experience. From the time I entered until the time I left, no other person came in to cast a vote.

  4. I could be mistaken but as I submitted my vote at NAHS (around 4:05) the counter registered mine as the 40th of the day. Here's to ward heels and the mild mists of May.
    I say such with an extravagant smile, but when will the Lakers be allowed to dispense with "pesky underdog" status?

  5. Bluegill makes a valid point. In the meantime, going forward, and even when "eventually those big fishes in the governmental small pond...find themselves surrounded by an ocean they don't recognize," they'll still be in control of our tax money.

    Setting goals is all well and good, but accomplishing those goals without our collective money is a dreamer's game.

    Every time a progressive decides to "sit this one out," the "fish" grow ever more complacent.

    Bringing your intellect to the table isn't enough. You have to bring votes. Imagine if the progressives in this town had turned out only 1,000 additional voters - about 30 per precinct. It would have tipped the election and demonstrated something tangible that the "fish" would have been forced to recognize, validate, and pay attention to.

    There is a purpose to all the community forums that have grown up in the past year, and it's not merely to talk about dreams.

    If you want to have a role in setting the priorities and accomplishing anything, you have to show you are a force to be reckoned with. Whether you like it or not, you do that in the electoral arena.

  6. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  7. Agreed on the electorate. Its building is what I was referring to. Those politicos who catch on now may be able to secure preferential treatment. Those who ignore it will realize over the course of the next few years that their unsustainable platform has come to an end at the polls. The way it currently stands, it's difficult to tell the difference between the two.

    In essence, it's a party question of short-term gratification vs. long-term success.
