Friday, April 21, 2006

Uh ... do I have this right?

Maybe I'm missing something here.

1st District Councilman Dan Coffey attended the second of two neighborhood forum meetings last week after missing the one at which it was determined to push for a full-time city attorney.

He listened (presumably?) as the second forum session concluded that further research and a meeting with City Hall both were in order before proceeding with an ordinance before the council.

He then introduced his own ordinance at last night’s meeting, pausing only to remark (as reported by the Highwayman) something along the lines of: I’ll not be dictated to by a neighborhood forum.

Now, I’m just an innocent who’s been abroad (well, sort of -- the Pacific Northwest), but this action would appear to be grandstanding of the highest and least honorable order.

Mind you, not that it’s unexpected given the source.

Have you ever wondered why CM Coffey’s council district remains moribund in spite of his “best” efforts?

The answer is as clear as the councilman’s transparent intentions. But then again, it's never been about the overall good of the city, has it?

Once again: What am I missing here?


  1. A quick question: Is there a Pacific Midwest, or something?

  2. I do hope someone has looked at a calendar. May 1 is the date for second and third readings on the ordinance creating a full-time city attorney. May 2 is the next meeting of the forum participants.

    Is that right, what I read in the paper today? Jeffersonville's part-time attorney pulls down $105,000?

  3. Is there not a desert Southwest?

  4. Tough crowd, although it isn't like I invented the term:

    Pacific Northwest in Wikipedia

  5. Mencken lives: can you actually claim to be an innocent and then a few words later accuse someone else of grandstanding?
    smiling - jon

  6. I'm not sure the May 1 date matters that much. Dan Coffey is irrelevant to the long-term improvement of the city. He simply doesn't possess the ability to appeal to the reasonable, educated people who foster change. While it's helpful to continue shining light on Coffey's antics, if we allow ourselves to waste too much energy reacting to every instance of Coffey's self-serving bullshit, we're handicapping ourselves.

    We have to avoid the pitfalls of more immediate gratification and stay focused, allowing ourselves time to be thorough. By building knowledge and consensus, we'll effectively be attracting, organizing, and supporting those reasonable, educated people, eventually creating an environment of informed constituents in which the likes of Coffey can't survive.

    Although he would probably never admit it, Coffey has actually helped the cause by making a very astute observation. We don't do enough outreach in the West End. A big reason for that, however, is Dan Coffey himself.

    Because the neighborhood association there (whether Coffey's assessment of size or even existence is correct or not) is relatively silent, the only public opportunity most New Albanian's have to form opinions about the West End are the diatribes of Dan Coffey. I find it difficult to believe that most in his district would want to be portrayed that way but I also don't think it unreasonable to consider that we may, at least subconsciously, blame them for Dan Coffey.

    The reverse is true as well. Our absence in that part of town has allowed Coffey to work unchecked, building whatever image of others that suits his purposes.

    But that's changing. The currently forming block watch is a signal that West End residents both realize that Dan Coffey's representation isn't getting them anywhere and are willing to take an active role in problem solving. Any attempt 1st district residents make to educate themselves about city affairs outside of his direct influence is bad for Dan Coffey. Why not just help them? I think our resources would be much better spent on residents, rather than Coffey.

    Why? Because May, 2007, seems a lot more important than May, 2006.

  7. Bluegill,
    Thanks!! After last nights antics, I needed that reality check!

  8. Sorry, Jeff -- your words here deserve marquee status.

    Would you consider moving them up under a new general posting?

    It's very sage advice to remain focused on one's own game plan rather than to be distracted by the other side's.

    But sometimes it's just too much fun ...

    Looking forward to what's been uncovered to date.
