Thursday, April 20, 2006

A quick note and a healthy debate.

And just in time for Blunder Over Louisville, no less.

Intense discussion here the past few days, eh?

Lest there be any misunderstanding, that was my hope. Now that I'm back, maybe I can take part, too.

In my view, the advent of the neighborhood forum marks a turning point in the quest to reinvigorate New Albany. This doesn't mean that the process won't be without bumps, cliffhangers and annoyances. It also doesn't imply lockstep uniformity of opinion. It doesn't even suggest that the reinvigoration will be a success.

However, the center of gravity in terms of the debate has shifted. Where it goes next is anyone's guess. To me, the key is involvement.

Who attended the council meeting tonight? I didn't step off the plane until after eight. Looking forward to the report, if any; otherwise, I'll link to media coverage on Friday morning and take it from there.

Yo, NAC editorial board ... time for that beer and pizza skull session!

1 comment:

  1. I was there last night. I laughed. I cried. I left the building.

    Regarding the city attorney ordinance - I do not possess the literary skills needed to accurately describe all the events that occurred. I’ll leave that to someone else.

    My personal take on things is that the forum group will continue its work regardless of what takes place at a council meeting. We are learning. We want our city to be a better place to live. We will work towards that goal in a forum environment that is open to the entire community.

    The good news from last night was that the Riverfront Development District ordinance was approved. Expect the second and third readings on May 1.
