Saturday, January 07, 2006

What would you like to ask 3rd District Councilman Steve Price? Now's the chance.

On Wednesday, NA Confidential introduced you to Erik.

Hi. I’m not really a “College Professor of Political Science” – I just play one at Freedom of Speech, the “Son of SOLNA” blog.

See “Puddle forms on Luddite Bar & Grill floor as visiting lecturer drinks a "Free Speech Lite."

Although Erik is every bit as non-existent as a unicorn or good Lite beer, he/she/it has managed to perform one act of genuine public service (or hilarity, depending on your perspective), shamelessly lobbing softballs to our accidental councilman, Steve Price, in AN INTERVIEW WITH COUNCILMAN STEVE PRICE, 3RD DISTRICT.

Yes, all capital letters – a surprising lapse of Internet etiquette from a “college professor,” though not one when emanating from a disgruntled troglodyte. Here's a "priceless" excerpt:

Erik: Is there anything else you wish to share with the citizens of New Albany?

CM Price: Yes, my grandmother's philosophy is, "If you don't have it, don't spend it".

Fair enough, but upon reading Erik’s interview, we wanted a piece of the action, too:

CM Price,

I see that in an interview with "Erik," a non-existent "college professor" invented for reasons that none of us truly understand, you are quoted as saying:

"I am always accessible. I receive on an average of 15 to 20 calls a day from my constituents. I will be more than happy to meet with any group or individual and listen to any suggestion, ideas or complaints to make New Albany a better place to live."

As I'm assuming there are no exceptions to this generalization, might we arrange a public meeting of some sort after Christmas?

Also, would you submit to an interview and agree to answer NA Confidential's questions, which will be coming from a real -- not a fictitious -- person (me)?

I have in mind 10 or so questions, all written, so that you can be satisfied that your answers are complete and as you prefer. I will not debate these or intrude upon the answers you provide during the initial posting on NAC, preserving their context entirety.

Of course, in follow-ups, I may take issue with some of your answers. Of course, you'll be given every opportunity to respond accordingly.

Game? I detect a marvelous opportunity for you to clarify your positions on certain pressing issues of the day.

Let me know. Thanks.

To his credit, CM Price responded promptly:

I am an equal opportunity person. Please forward to me any questions or concerns you may have, I will respond and forward them back to you.

NA Confidential readers, you are cordially invited to be a part of this historic dialogue. What is the question that you would most like to ask of Steve Price? It can pertain to specific aspects of the New Albanian experience, or range into related questions of art, culture and music. Whatever the question, it should be the sort of inquiry that will provide our councilman with the chance to be expansive, and to give us a valuable glimpse of his feelings and views.

Use the comments section below, or e-mail us privately.

Ladies and gentlemen, start your engines ...


  1. I'll take on that one, ONA. The answer is: You can't.

    You have to be willing to be labeled a troublemaker or other chosen uncomplimentary names. One side or the other (or the other) is going to be perturbed whenever you get involved. But you must be willing to take the name-calling and derision, the political slams and the personal slander.

    Sorry, but that's the way it is.

    You know that I believe Steve Price is a total embarrasment as a council member. Saying that brings on me the wrath and slander of his supporters like you. But I don't whine about it.

    If worrying about being popular or well-liked is what you're after, getting involved in public affairs isn't the place. Those like the Gang of Four who cling to power, but without any vision of what to do with that power, must be shown they can't continue with business as usual.

    Now, you may say that is unresponsive. But it is not. Improving the quality of life around here involves creating an atmosphere where residents feel free to voice an opinion. Those in public office who wish to create such an atmosphere are hampered by having to worry if people like the Gang, and your pal Laura, are going to run out from under the front porch and bite them on the ankle.

    Change the atmosphere, and then you can get what you want, ONA.

  2. See Dick.

    See Dick SCREAM because he won't bother to learn some manners.

    See Dick SCREAM about someone else's blog, not this one.

    Dick, you are both rude and your observation irrelevant ... but we cherish the opportunity to have you confirm the point we've been making all along.

  3. My questions for Steve would be this; Given that most agree we need to revitalize downtown, if investors and entrepreneurs come forward with legitimate proposals, will you as our councilman consider their merits carefully before endorsing or rejecting them?

    Would you also be willing to pubilcly explain why you made your decision yay or nay?

  4. Here's mine:

    Mr. Price, you ran for council as a Democrat. How does your performance in council reflect your role as a Democratic Party officeholder?

    How can we separate your public statements from those of myriad Republicans over the past 40 years?

    Why are your stated preferences so different from the historic and progressive ideals of the Democratic Party? Does being a Democrat mean anything to you? What would that be, and how do you differentiate yourself from a Republican?

  5. And another:

    Tell us, sir. What is a UEZ? Why does it exist? And why do you oppose its continuance?

  6. Questions:

    1. Can you please explain the concept of new urbanism and how it's guiding principles may help New Albany?

    2. Can you please explain how you intend to use your council position to advocate for those principles via legislative action? If you could give examples of successful legislation from other cities that've done a good job of improving housing and living conditions it would be helpful.

    3. How do you think the city could improve its reputation and attractiveness within the circles of educated, creative, entrepreneurial people who's presence continues to be proven necessary for success in the 21st century economy?

    4. What have you done or what will you do to express a clear preference for the redevelopment of existing city neighborhoods as opposed to continued sprawl?

    5. Have you or do you intend to approach county officials to develop, in partnership, a countywide plan for smart and coordinated growth?

    6. What have you advocated for or will you advocate for that would provide an incentive to or lessen the risk for the early redevelopment "pioneers" who are now making themselves known around the city? Have you played a role in attracting these people and/or how do you hope to empower and encourage them and other similar people?

    7. In terms of rate of growth in the state of Indiana, Harrison County ranks 4th, Clark County ranks 18th, and Floyd County ranks 44th. A local developer recently expressed to me that the "ridiculous politics" of New Albany played a major role in our low sore. Do you agree with that assessment? Please explain why or why not.

    8. What ideas do you have, if any, to restructure and enhance educational opportunities in New Albany?

    9. What is your plan for giving more meaningful authority to the historic preservation commission and ordinance enforcement position? Do you support the expansion of the city attorney position to full-time and/or the creation of a city court to better deal with the violations cited by those entities? If not, how do you envision the city being able to deal with them adequately?

  7. oops...

    10. Will you pledge to never abstain from a vote unless you can provide details, on record, of the conflict of interest that keeps you from voting?
