Monday, January 02, 2006

The mobile sign shark kicks off the 2006 anti-street spam beautification campaign.

Striking first at the corner of 8th and East Elm ...

... a utility pole remains breathtakingly ugly, but less so than before.

Then, two blocks east ...

... another example of "home finder" street spam is neutralized.

Later, another tacky Netpointe sign was removed within eyesight of the unresponsive company's headquarters, bringing the year's total to three.

That's right, we're keeping track.


  1. Hi from Canada.
    Keep on going!
    Your blog is very interesting !

  2. I have another complaint! The Indiana Weekly, published by the CJ. On our route they just throw the paper on the ground in front of the residence.

    To me this is no different than someone throwing litter out of their car.

    I would like to see the enforcement officer or any police officer for that matter enforce the anti littering laws.

    If I don't subscribe to the CJ what in the hell makes them think I want their Indiana Weekly!

    Does anyone else see this as a problem?

  3. Absolutely, Rick. Why do they give you one of these if you're not already a subscriber?

    I've seen piles of them outside unoccupied houses. It's definitely an eyesore.
