Tuesday, November 08, 2005

Pages from a tiny storybook, Chapter 67.

"It's just not fair," wailed Little Miss People. "Those good old boys keep beatin' up on me! Make 'em stop!"

"I wanna audit!"

"There there, honey," replied Auntie $$$$$$, "you may be feeling all sickly and Eastdistended, but you know what? Big girls don't cry, even when they slam violently headfirst into a glass wall of their own limitations ... but wait, look up there -- why, it's the Great G.O.P. Golf Cart in the Sky, and it's coming to rescue us from those nasty Young Democrats!"

"It's about time," sniffed Little Miss People. "I need help to censor those uppity Baylorites!"

"Well, tadpole, just don't forget people like me, who've devoted our lives to tireless research, and filling those matchboxes with conspiratorial gibberish so your generation can remain mired in backwardness," cooed Auntie $$$$$$.

"Look, here she comes ... nice pantsuit!"


  1. I hear the axe grinding.....

  2. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  3. Roger, may I be the first to say that you're completely incorrigible--and I expect you always shall be : 0

  4. Incorrigible-incapable of being reformed. Yep...that's Roger! I tnink the fans like it 'cause they keep coming back for more!

  5. ...to quote Rush Windbag
    "people,people it is just political satire"

    Say what you wish,look at how many people actually pay a little more attention to local politics since NAC came to all of us.

