Wednesday, September 28, 2005

Publisher John Tucker of the Tribune headlines Sept. 28 Public Affairs Symposium at Destinations Booksellers.

It's tonight, Wednesday, Sept. 28, at 7:00 p.m.

News and Tribune Publisher Faces Off With Readers

We're delighted to offer another Public Affairs Symposium this Wednesday, Sept. 28, at 7 p.m. with publisher John Tucker. Tucker has been with the for papers a couple of months and tells us he'll reveal some major changes to each during this event.

If you have anything to say to the publisher of our area newspapers, this is your best opportunity.

We'll be there.

1 comment:

The New Albanian said...

I just got back, and it was an illuminating evening, albeit one without the high camp of listening to our Trogs throw themselves on their stilettos before the drainage/sewer/constipation board.

Mr. Tucker spoke at length about his career and what he has learned since relocating here, and articulated a startling vision of the significance of the community newspaper in this day and age.

To long-suffering readers of the Tribune, it amounts to a jolting Gorbachev-like program of glasnost, perestroika and rebirth all rolled into one.

I'm earnestly hoping he can pull it off.