Thursday, July 21, 2005

A midsummer week's skedaddle, Palmetto-style.

Readers, we’re taking a “dog days” break in order to attend a family reunion and do some sightseeing down south, so from now until the 28th of July, there may or may not be daily offerings posted here.

Random posts from afar are a distinct possibility, and our regular guest host Joe might drop in for a game of pepper or three in the interim.

We suggest that you visit Volunteer Hoosier for local news updates, but if Randy is otherwise occupied, take a few minutes and tell us how you’re spending your summer vacation (use the comments section for this post).

And don’t forget NA Confidential’s new motto:

New Albany is a state of mind – but whose?


  1. What's a summer vacation?

  2. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  3. New Albany Resident preceding is entitled to wish me gone, but not entitled to post without my knowing his or her identity. Therefore, I've hit the delete.

    Folks, Volunteer Hoosier has enabled comments, and you can participate in discussion at Randy's excellent site. Gee, it's nice to be back.
