Thursday, July 28, 2005

Hey, give me a chance to catch up, already.

We couldn’t have picked a more momentous week to be out of town.

Last Thursday, New Albany’s anti-progressive Siamese councilmen were routed in a climactic pro-Scribner Place vote, followed immediately by Mayor James Garner’s stunning proposal to privatize residential garbage and recycling services.

On Tuesday, the Board of Public Works offered emerging city council leader and veteran city policeman Jack Messer to the council as its choice for ordinance enforcement officer.

We learned that the Office Depot chain is set to occupy remodeled retail space in the New Albany Plaza, and our friend Jim Book’s business, Bean Street Café, is moving from its present Slate Run location to the Charlestown Road exurb.

The East Spring Street Neighborhood Association’s ongoing “Clean Up New Albany” campaign made the Tribune, and featured a wonderful photo of key members Jim & Tabitha Sprigler, with accompanying information about their web site and forum, Clean Up New Albany.

Take note that Randy has reopened his comments section at Volunteer Hoosier, and the discussion about the sanitation privatization has been particularly spirited. You're advised to check it out.

Predictably, the subterranean denizens of Speak Out Loud NA have been pelting Volunteer Hoosier with crude insults and derogatory comments, and unsurprisingly, New Albany's “little people” continue to grow smaller by the day.

Get a life, wee small ones -- and damned good to be back.


  1. And thank you.

    It was hot down there, too, but in the end quite interesting. As a student of the Civil War, Charleston and Fort Sumter are musts.

    I'll be posting beer-related ramblings over at Potable Curmudgeon Blog.

    Now, back to work ...

  2. Well, friend, it's not quite privatizing. That would mean we all have to fend for ourselves, sort out the choices, contract for service (which might or might not include (or compel) recycling).

    Government contracting means the city retains the upper hand. Even with an 8-year contract, non-performance means breach and/or lawsuit.

    And look what else we get. Public sanitation strike teams to clean up the alleys, streets, dumps, and eyesore properties.

    The fight comes Monday. Out of pettiness and revenge for being whipped, it looks as if the council is about to turn on its new leader, Jack Messer, and try to give him a black eye. Or maybe it's a backlash at discovering the mayor actually is thinking about the future.

    In any case, the council approves the appointment of the OEO. If they fail to approve the eminently qualified Mr. Messer, then our suspicions about them will have been proved correct: They were never serious about codes enforcement in the first place.

    With Beverly Crump on vacation, more than one city councilMAN is going to have to set aside his wounded pride and prove his code enforcement bona fides.

    Remember, Ms. Bolovschak has them all on tape claiming to be born-again enforcers. When she finally turns over those tapes to the NAFC Public Library for public viewing, they won't be able to deny their hypocrisy if they fail to approve Messer.

  3. Differences duly noted.

    The trogs are being fairly harsh on you, eh? Even Ms. Laura.

    I'm not going to be able to come up for air until Sunday at the earliest, and then Monday night I have a beer dinner that was rescheduled just for me, so I'm going to it.

    Who can cover the council meeting and provide a report? Bluegill?

  4. Sorry, can't do it.

    I'll be reeling in the honeywagon hose on Mitch's old RV from it's usual East Main storm drain and heading for the Peoples' Republic of the Highlands on Monday evening.

    I have to work.

  5. Roger,
    Did you know Allen Butts when you were at IUS? Is he the same person who is mentioned in the Tribune article (Coffee Crossings)?

  6. I knew Alan well while at IUS and remember him fiondly, but haven't seen him in years. He was a PIKE and played intramural sports.

  7. Now my husband tells me the Coffee Crossing guy is too young to be the Allen Butts I knew. Don't know how he knows that.

    But the name did bring back some college memories.

  8. I should be able to cover the council meeting, I thinkk I have readjusted to local time now!

  9. Rick, since I've learned that my engagement has been postponed, I'll be there, too, and we can cover the meeting together.

    And, if the trogs are to be believed, we'll go out afterwards and get drunk at my place.

