Sunday, February 06, 2005

The Evening News reports a councilman's proposal to help downtown Jeff, while the Tribune visits a chain shoe store

On the same day that the Tribune’s City Editor fails miserably to comprehend the issues that pertain to downtown redevelopment, her counterpart at the Evening News offers a crisp, well-written news story about Jeffersonville Councilman John Perkins’s vision of progress in our neighboring river city.

Councilman wants $200,000 for downtown,
by Larry Thomas, City Editor

NA Confidential readers are again encouraged to visit the combined web site of the Evening News and Tribune to compare and contrast staff writers.

Quite simply, the day-to-day work of Thomas, Greg Gapsis and John Gilkey for the Evening News is of a far higher standard than that foisted on apparently benumbed and undiscerning New Albanians by the Tribune.

1 comment:

  1. A freind at work has bought the old Spring Street Art Gallery building, which used to be the old Top Hat Bar(wow what a landmark) and is making a flat in the top and renting out the bottom. He looked at various places in downtown NA but opted for Jeff just because of the vision of others.
