Saturday, December 25, 2004

Watching the wheels go 'round ...

... and 'round, and 'round as cars still are getting hung on messy side streets four days into this year's big snow storm.

Consequently, with the Public House shut down for Holiday Break Part I until Monday, I've taken the opportunity afforded by the days off to do some interior painting. Other activities have included a traditional "wet" shopping day on Friday, red wine and pasta at home afterward, and an entertaining evening spent viewing concert DVD's with the Missus.

Today there are two NBA games, and Chinese food for accompaniment. Mellow reflection and periodic mindlessness are the orders for the day, ones to be obeyed and cherished as indicative of restoration and rejuvenation. Soon enough, the daily grind will resume.

My topical writing has been limited and will not resume in earnest until Sunday, when the arrival of the 'Bune almost certainly will stimulate some semblance of bile, and warming temps will restore a degree of ambulatory ambition.

Best wishes to all who have visited and read NA Confidential since its inception a mere two months ago. Life in my tiny sector of New Albanian terrain is good ... now the perimeter must be extended. Cheers!


  1. Where did you and your Maine squeeze wind up getting the Chinese cuisine? We are having a leg of lamb and sweet potatoe hash browns and salad. Oh yeah,and plenty of Spaten Optimator beer. Homemade deep dish apple and cranberry pie for desert.
    See you on Monday.....

  2. Thanks guys.

    The Chinese came from Great Wall on Brownsboro Road, although I noticed later that the buffet on Charlestown Road by Kohl's was open. I prefer Great Wall, though.
