Thursday, December 23, 2004

Saturn says: Public House snowed out Thursday

This is a public service announcement to any of you planning a journey to the Public House today: We have thrown in the towel Thursday and will remain closed until next Monday (closed for X-mas Eve, X-mas Day and the usual Sunday).

I know this will inconvenience some people, and of course it would have been one of the best days of the year in terms of business, but sometimes this isn't the first consideration. Few of us have any business being out today, Christmas or not, so we might as well take a day off.

UPDATE, 11:49 A.M.

In 1994, when we had a huge overnight snowfall (roughly 15", if I recall) that completely shut down Louisville, my ex and I walked to work and opened Rich O's, which promptly recorded the biggest business day we'd had up to that point.

There was a huge snowdrift in front, and friends drove their snowmobiles (usually reserved for duty in Wisconsin) atop it. I didn't have a camera, and missed a once-in-a-lifetime photo op.

Today, with the sun now shining and roads becoming passable, it's obvious that we made the call a bit too hastily, but things are much different now. With the business in some semblance of maturity, it would require a dozen employees to run it today, and many of them live in outlying areas. I don't want them driving.

Today was slated to be one of the biggest business days of the year, and it's disappointing to close. I hope people call first and don't brave the twenty mile trip to become angry when the door's shut.

In any case, thanks to all for understanding.


  1. I guess that makes me publicly irresponsible, but then I have a much larger contingent of patrons who are buying for the holiday AND who can walk to the store if they so please. We're open Thursday 'til 9 and Friday 'til 6:00.

    Best to you and yours. The blog has been a wonderful addition to our lives this year and we look forward to being entertained and enlightened for many years to come.

  2. Mayor garner appeared intensely official on the news last night until he opened his pie hole. cheers - jon

  3. Roving Silverhills reporter here. Ventured out in the John Deere Gator, pulling sleds through the streets of our neighborhood. Noticed that the snowplows stopped when going by the Garner residence on Sunset Drive. Wonder why? I have really enjoyed the your blog and thanks for the inspiration on my own. We have a good life my friends, we should all be thankful. Cheers, I'm quaffing a Guinness as I type....
