Tuesday, August 02, 2016

The city's spin doctors have outdone themselves on this one: Meet the "Mt. Tabor Road Restoration and Pedestrian Safety Project."

It's simply amazing what vocal citizen opposition ...

Council frivolity, slice of the second part: "Gahan Cares More About Concrete Than People."

 ... to a New and Improved Round O' Rosenbarger Cream Tort will do to bring David Duggins bounding full Sellersburg up the stairs from the Down Low Bunker to inform city council that with construction work about to start, now's the time for operatives to fan out through the neighborhood to alter misconceptions -- but not only that, there'll be a post-decision public meeting on August 22 to further encourage conformity.

You'll have to take my word for it, because the paper was too busy chasing Nicolas Cage around Clarksville to bother covering last night's council meeting.

The Mt. Tabor Road Restoration and Pedestrian Safety project includes nearly 1.1 miles of new road construction, full curbs, gutters, and sidewalks. The need for this project is clear, considering the renewed surface cracking and foundation shifting occurring near the Slate Run creek slopes, along with the lack of any pedestrian facilities along the roadway. This project will provide a much needed reconstructed road that will aim to improve both pedestrian safety and provide traffic calming mechanisms.

If the neighborhood in question has no need for "pedestrian safety" and "traffic calming mechanisms" then could we get some of that along I-ESNA? Or does a city councilman's house facing the speedway disqualify him from trying, and us from consideration?

Cherish the ochlocracy, and recall where this whole business started, way back in December of 2013.

ON THE AVENUES: Roundabouts make the politicians really ring.

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