Friday, October 16, 2020

Endorsement: Hands down, Greg Roution is the best candidate for Floyd County Coroner.

Disagree if you will, but to me there's little reason to dwell on political affiliation and the usual attendant ideologies when it comes to voting for coroner. 

I have not yet made Greg Roution's acquaintance, but he strikes me as qualified and professional, perfectly capable of performing the duties of coroner. 

Does it bother me, a socialist, that he's a Republican? 

Not really. So is his opponent, the one running as a (pretend) Democrat, and I know plenty about him. Folks in my significantly "blue" neighborhood know exactly what I mean, which is why you don't see many Oxendine signs here, even if he's planted dozens of them quite illegally in public rights-of-way.  

This matters little in the end, because comparing the two candidates, I find that Roution's presentation speaks to competence and integrity.  

That works for me. Greg Roution is the best candidate, so please join me in voting for him.

# I have lived in Floyd Knobs for the last 24 years.
# Married with three great kids.
# I’m retired from U.S. Army & Kentucky National Guard with 20+ years, as a First Sergeant, Combat Medic.
# I have been an registered nurse for 21 years working at Norton Healthcare.
# Now I’m the Forensic coordinator running the Sexual Assault Program for the last seven years at Norton Healthcare as an Forensic nurse.
# I have worked with The Louisville Metro Police Dept as a forensic nurse.
# I have attended multiple classes on sexual assault training, strangulation, gunshot and human trafficking.

I would appreciate your confidence as being elected as the next coroner and if you have any questions please reach out to me. Feel free to share this page with your friends.

1 comment:

  1. Vote for Greg Roution. Facts concerning him and his qualifications are absolutely
    True. He is a fine trustfully responsible man worthy of your vote
