Monday, July 27, 2020

Idiot Wind.

Look, everyone -- Mayor Greg Fischer is becoming famous for incompetence all over the world!

Bourbonism know longer means what you thought it did, but it raises an interesting point, because if Louisville becomes known for less savory conditions than an $8,000 bourbon flight at the new Churchill Downs steakhouse, and the mayor becomes a liability v.v. tourism, does he quit then?

Breonna Taylor killing: call for justice intensifies after months of frustration, by Josh Wood (The Guardian)

  ... Now, there are calls for Louisville’s mayor, Greg Fischer, to resign, amid anger over the city’s reaction to protesters, the failure to fire police officers and a feeling that it took Breonna Taylor becoming a household name to get the city to start taking things seriously.

In a speech on Thursday, Fischer said he was “incredibly frustrated with the slow pace of justice in Breonna’s case”. He also announced that in future officer-involved shootings in the city, the Kentucky state police would be tasked with investigating instead of the LMPD investigating itself.

“Why does it take influencers waging a social media campaign for the mayor to step up?” said Drake. “That’s ridiculous. That shouldn’t be the case. You’re the leader. The fish rots from the head. And as the leader you did not lead this city, you failed this city.”

For those protesting, things in Louisville have to change and justice has to be served.

“There is no back to normal because black people have never known normal in Louisville,” said (Hannah) Drake.

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