Sunday, December 15, 2019

Link compendium for Baylor Family Croatia, Slovenia and Trieste 2019.

Following are the links to the installments of the travelogue, "Baylor Family Croatia, Slovenia and Trieste 2019."

(Pre-trip: The 12 Days of Slovenia & Trieste)

Baylor Family Croatia, Slovenia and Trieste 2019, Chapter 1: A belated arrival in Zagreb with a night's splurge at the Hotel Esplanade.

Baylor Family Croatia, Slovenia and Trieste 2019, Chapter 2: The amazing public market in Zagreb.

Baylor Family Croatia, Slovenia and Trieste 2019, Chapter 3: From Zagreb to Ljubljana by older-school rail.

Baylor Family Croatia, Slovenia and Trieste 2019, Chapter 4: Ljubljanski Dvor, and other memories of the time before.

Baylor Family Croatia, Slovenia and Trieste 2019, Chapter 5: Spectacular views from Ljubljana Castle.

Baylor Family Croatia, Slovenia and Trieste 2019 2019, Chapter 6: Slovenia's National Museum of Contemporary History.

Baylor Family Croatia, Slovenia and Trieste 2019, Chapter 7: The Union beer and brewing tour, with requisite dragon.

Baylor Family Croatia, Slovenia and Trieste 2019, Chapter 8: Weird circular Yugoslav garage architecture and an invigorating walk by the river.

Baylor Family Croatia, Slovenia and Trieste 2019, Chapter 9: At Gostilna Pri Kolovratu, a lovely traditional Slovenian dinner for Thanksgiving.

Baylor Family Croatia, Slovenia and Trieste 2019, Chapter 10: Ljubljana's grand old train station and the current status of my ghosts.

Baylor Family Croatia, Slovenia and Trieste 2019, Chapter 11: In praise of kremna rezina, Lake Bled's classic version of cream cake.

Baylor Family Croatia, Slovenia and Trieste 2019, Chapter 12: The beauty of Lake Bled.

Baylor Family Croatia, Slovenia and Trieste 2019, Chapter 13: A small but engaging Christmas market in Bled.

Baylor Family Croatia, Slovenia and Trieste 2019, Chapter 14: Gostilna Pri Planincu, recommended for drinking and dining while visiting Lake Bled.

Baylor Family Croatia, Slovenia and Trieste 2019, Chapter 15: Stunning views of Lake Bled from the Bled Castle heights.

Baylor Family Croatia, Slovenia and Trieste 2019, Chapter 16: Over the Karst and into Trieste for a taste of the Bora.

Baylor Family Croatia, Slovenia and Trieste 2019, Chapter 17: To the Castello di San Giusto for a view of Trieste.

Baylor Family Croatia, Slovenia and Trieste 2019, Chapter 18: James Joyce, Italo Svevo and Trieste in the literary sense.

Baylor Family Croatia, Slovenia and Trieste 2019, Chapter 19: Miramare and the self-inflicted tragedy of Maximilian.

Baylor Family Croatia, Slovenia and Trieste 2019, Chapter 20: A closing evening in Trieste -- until next time, and there'll be a next time.

Baylor Family Croatia, Slovenia and Trieste 2019, Chapter 21: The capricious gods of travel complicate our lives, but we make it safely home anyway.

The morning after the return from Croatia, Slovenia and Trieste.

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