Sunday, July 28, 2019

Does a New Albany homeless encampment by Silver Creek exist if a blind mayor can't see it?

The chief of police shoulders the burden of municipal denial ideology in this fascinating Courier-Journal piece by Billy Kolbin.

We're left with the same question: If the mayor continues to deny the existence of homelessness, addiction, poverty and neighborhood crime in the city -- these ugly blots on the idyllic paradise he's brought us -- is it because he's fibbing, or simply isn't bright enough to grasp it?

Stensrud can keep hoping, but my guess is that New Albany officials will keep denying.

The conversations surrounding the New Albany camp come as Louisville has shuttered multiple camps in the past several months.

(Paul) Stensrud said Louisville at least has a low-barrier shelter and storage lockers for those hoping to get off the streets, though the low-barrier shelter at Wayside Christian Mission is not without its own issues.

He's hopeful that people struggling on the Indiana side of the Ohio River will soon have more places to turn besides makeshift camps.

"We're hoping this will lead to a better partnership with New Albany officials," Stensrud said. "... It takes time."

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