Friday, November 09, 2018

The Top Ten list of most-viewed October 2018 posts at NA Confidential.

Thanks for reading NA Confidential, where we enjoy reconnoitering the neglected periphery for uniquely local perspectives on life in New Albany.

The October most-viewed list begins with five "honorable mention" posts, before concluding with the Top Ten, escalating to No. 1. These statistics are derived from Google's internal accounting.




Harvest Homecoming explains: "The Tribune sold the ad to the Democratic party. This is was completely out of our control."

"As current president of Harvest Homecoming, it is important for me to address the advertisement on the front of our annual HHC tabloid. The News and Tribune has full control over selling the advertisements and the front of the tabloid always has an advertisement. The ads make the circulation to the community possible. For many years that space has been purchased by a local car sales company. This year, they opted to not purchase the ad. With the space up for grabs, The Tribune sold the ad to the Democratic party. This is was completely out of our control and I was not aware of the advertisement until it was published."



Fast fact about vehicular speeds that kill: "18 mph is the human tolerance of crash impacts."

I'll keep posting about speed because speed kills. If you wish to ignore all available evidence and retain a sense of automotive entitlement, which allows you to drive 40 mph on city streets that pass through neighborhoods, then I'd submit that your entitlement is anti-social -- and whatever the neighborhood must do to restore safety is justified.

If you can't understand any of what I'm writing here, that's not a deal-killer. But thinking of yourself as a "progressive"? That is.



These stickers have been placed throughout downtown New Albany.

Don't worry. I fixed them.



LET THE FACTS SPEAK: "Landlords refused to even consider voucher holders, some candidly citing the low subsidies and their desire to cash in on a hot market."

We'll be reinforcing this point again and again as the 2019 primary draws closer, because at a time when the federal housing voucher program is only minimally effective, our Mayor Jeff Gahan, David Duggins and their hand-chosen takeover administrators at the New Albany Housing Authority continue to insist their plan to half-size public housing in our city is viable because those slated for displacement will be handed vouchers.

The real-world evidence differs rather dramatically from bunker dogma.



On the topic of the forthcoming Floyd County election.

Yes, this means refraining from voting for a few quality Democrats, ones I know to be competent; in some of these races, both candidates are quite worthy. It pains me, and rest assured it actually isn't "personal" in any of these races, but as Mark so presciently notes, their cognitive dissonance has grown tiresome.

It's long past time for the ones who actually "get it" to stand up, step forward, and challenge the local Democratic Party's catastrophically narrow orthodoxy.

If the rotten patronage structure can be torn down now, maybe it can be rebuilt into something genuinely useful, consistently ethical and worthy of a leftist's support for the future.


599 (tie)

"State Representative Ed Clere will be a featured guest speaker at the Southern Indiana PRIDE Launch Event next Thursday October 11th, 2018."

Having Ed Clere as a featured guest speaker at Southern Indiana Pride's launch event strikes me as an ideal way to promote unity -- at least among those who wish to be unified.


599 (tie)

It's all conceptual: Señor Iguana's New Albany location will be called La Catrina's Mexican Kitchen, not Señor Iguana's -- or something like that.

It looks as if Señor Iguana's will be debuting its New Albany location not as another Señor Iguana's, but as La Catrina Mexican Kitchen, presumably a new dining concept. It will be located on the corner of Elm and Bank in the former home of Dragon King's Daughter, which now operates a few blocks away on Market and W. 1st.



City Hall says we have "sufficient" bike lanes to accommodate e-scooters. It's probably a good idea to follow the money before getting excited about the prospect.

Before we risk life and limb atop one of the Bird e-scooters to be turned loose to navigate New Albany's streets of screams, let's define the term.



Hanson issues tepid apology for botched political ad on the cover of Harvest Homecoming's guide, but Democrats might think twice before tittering.

Shamed into public comment, Hanson couldn't even manage to pen a personal apology. Instead, Chris Morris was enlisted to "interview" his own boss (below), which tells you everything you need to know about the shambles overtaking this persistently misdirected enterprise.

Meanwhile, the social media response of most Democrats has been to defend the ad placement and deride Republicans who have complained about it.




LET THE FACTS SPEAK: To be too busy or to not be too busy.



How many bicyclists, skateboarders and pedestrians have to die before Jeff Gahan gives a flying fuck?

I'm trying really hard to be nice ... but another "accident," another "driver not to blame," another instance where we know all about the victim and nothing at all about the driver, and another prospective round of Jeff Gahan's political appointees aciting "decisively" only when ducking responsibility and blaming the victim.



R.I.P. Dean Hammersmith, who got a whole lot done in 88 years.

Dean wasn't afraid to mix it up with the menfolk when it came to conversation. She was a doer, highly organized, and exuding a natural sense of being in command. Children can sense when an adult is bluffing. She wasn't and didn't, although at the same time remained loving toward the kids and listened to them. This always struck me as textbook parenting, honest and respectful on all sides.



The willfully neglected Moser Tannery died so the Reisz Mahal luxury municipal HQ might live.

The final and damning cause of the fire was the city's willful neglect in the years since purchasing it in 2016. In effect, City Hall did rough triage and swapped the Moser's potential reclamation for a new city hall downtown, directing ever scarcer available resources toward a refuge for inhumanely treated government workers (CM Barksdale's famous words, not mine).

This is the result.



Meet Joseph Albert “Trey” Hollingsworth III, the biggest goober in Washington.

This is a profile of Joseph Albert “Trey” Hollingsworth III, the biggest goober in Washington.



At 114 E. Market, there's Pints & Union. At 424 E. Market, there's Pints & Duplication.



Big Four Burgers has been sold and is under new management, and District 22 Pizza is no more, soon to become a "hot chicken" outlet.

The Green Mouse was told some months back that Matt McMahan was looking to sell both of his burger restaurants (New Albany and Jeffersonville) as well as District 22 Pizza, which has been attached to the New Albany Big Four for the past year.

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