Thursday, November 08, 2018

Straight-party ballots in Floyd County were way up on Tuesday. Will this development factor into municipal races in 2019?

I'm currently jet-lagged. In fact, I cannot recall being THIS jet-lagged. There were two transatlantic flights, a European time change at the start, and an American one at the end. I was ready to go back to bed just after breakfast today — I mean, tomorrow.

Consequently, those readers with a better fundamental grasp of mathematics, and who are NOT jet-lagged, are invited to compare the information below to the overview of the most recent municipal election cycle in 2015. I believe the numbers from 2015 suggest that as straight-ticket voting pertains to precincts inside the city limits, it favors the Democrats.

At the same time, only 33% of the votes cast in 2015 were straight-ticket -- and, of course, municipal election cycles are isolated, with no nationwide shadings or implications.

Kudos to the assistant newspaper editor's eyes for roving beyond the bare minimum typically deployed by the Nawbany bureau chief.

Straight-party ballots the difference maker on Election Day in Southern Indiana, by Jason Thomas (Tom May Content Compiler)

SOUTHERN INDIANA — Straight-party ballots were at the top of observers' minds Wednesday after an historic midterm that saw voters turn out in shocking numbers for an off-year election.

What happened locally Tuesday night was a reflection of the tone nationally, with more Southern Indiana voters embracing a conservative Republican agenda than those who sought to sweep a so-called "blue wave" of Democrats into office.

A whopping 52 percent of the more than 32,000 ballots cast in Floyd County were straight-party tickets, while 38 percent of the nearly 44,000 ballots cast in Clark County went for a straight ticket.

Statewide voter turnout numbers weren't available Wednesday, but an official with the Secretary of State's Office said it could be the highest midterm election turnout of the 21st century in Indiana.

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