Monday, May 28, 2018

I've been photographing my poster collection, and I am completely exhausted.

Joe "Pints&union" Phillips and I have chatted quite a lot about pub decor. I mentioned to him that I had lots of posters, wall hangings, items that might be framed, and all-purpose bric-a-brac for attaching to walls.

My famous last words: "I'll just take photos of them and we can see what's there."

As the young folks say, OMG.

After ten days I'm well north of 250, and maybe halfway through the boxes and storage areas. Probably 100 more still adorn the Public House, and another 100 here at home ... dozens more banker's boxes in the basement ... 15,000 photos ... and right now, I can hear my mother saying, "if you'd only been like me and kept track, labeling and dating everything."

If only. She was a machine, and I suppose a few hours of my life that might have been devoted to archival rendering were instead occupied drinking beer. So it goes, but she was right.

You're invited to browse the albums at Facebook. Following (and above) are a few favorites.

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