Wednesday, March 14, 2018

Monbiot: "So I have sought to discuss my prostate cancer as I would discuss any other issue."

It's an uncommonly vigorous and uplifting essay written by George Monbiot, a British journalist referenced frequently at this "shebeen" (as another writer, Charles P. Pierce, is fond of saying).

An old acquaintance of mine recently was diagnosed with prostate cancer. I hope he reads this, and finds within it the grounds for positive thinking.

As for me, my thoughts are with you.

I have prostate cancer. But I am happy (at The Guardian)

The principles that define a good life protect me from despair, despite this diagnosis and the grisly operation I now face

... So I have sought to discuss my prostate cancer as I would discuss any other issue. I make no apologies for subjecting you to the grisly details: the more familiar they become, the less horrifying. In doing so, I socialise my condition. Last month, I discussed the remarkable evidence suggesting that a caring community enhances recovery and reduces mortality. In talking about my cancer with family and friends, I feel the love that I know will get me through this. The old strategy of suffering in silence could not have been more misguided.

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