Tuesday, January 23, 2018

More of the right stuff from Strong Towns: "Two chances to dig deep on why we need to #SlowTheCars."

We could have had Speck Stout; we got Gahan Lite. I went for a walk last night after dark, and observing the traffic on Spring Street, I'd say that the #SlowTheCars hash has yet to be rendered null and void by reality on asphalt here in New Albany. As we said when two-way streets finally were implemented last year after the mayor's ruinous five-year delay: It's the end of the beginning, and no more.

Does Team Gahan get it ... yet?


When we build our streets for the people who live on them—and not the cars those people might or might not drive—amazing things happen. Our streets get safer. Our children can play a little more freely. Our municipal debts begin to shrink. Our city businesses get richer—and so does our entire quality of life.

Of course, so many of our towns aren't built that way at all. But that doesn't mean it's too late for your community.

We've just announced two chances to really dig in to why it's so crucial to #slowthecars—and what each of us can do about it.

On February 1st, Strong Towns members like you can join Strong Towns president Chuck Marohn for an interactive webcast edition of his Gross Negligence presentation, which explores why slowing our neighborhood streets isn't just a public safety issue—it's an opportunity to reverse decades of professional negligence. Click here to register now.

And on February 15th, any Strong Towns fan can sign up to hear nationally recognized expert and bestselling author of The Walkable City Jeff Speck in conversation with Chuck—and have a chance to ask Jeff your questions. Here's where you can register.

Space in both webcasts is limited, so register now. We can't wait to see you there.

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