Saturday, December 16, 2017

Rucker in LEO: " It is time for Louisville to stop calling itself a compassionate city when Mayor Greg Fischer and the Metro Council continue to act counter to that."

Opposed to Deaf Gahan's socioeconomic cleansing of the housing authority? Please register your point of view by signing the petition at We Are New Albany, and remember that on Monday evening at 6:00 p.m., there'll be a gathering at Hauss Square. We'd love to see you there.

Given that Greg Fischer is Jeff Gahan's numero uno political man crush, we've found it simple to use the two names interchangeably. It saves valuable time, and the pig doesn't get as annoyed.

Homelessness, we cannot care just at Christmas, by Erica Rucker (LEO Weekly)

As the temperature struggled to reach 30 degrees last Friday morning in Louisville, police and the Department of Public Works showed up to a homeless encampment ready to move people out — six officers for three homeless people who moved along without struggle. Protesters were there and also people to help the men move their belongings.

Compassionate Louisville strikes again.

It is time for Louisville to stop calling itself a compassionate city when Mayor Greg Fischer and the Metro Council continue to act counter to that.

Just fucking stop. We don’t believe you.

In recent months, as the city has continued to build giant, new luxury apartment, boutique hotels, stadiums and whatever other money-sucking black hole they can stain the city with, Louisville’s population of homeless individuals are being pushed farther and farther away from the services they desperately need to exist.

But we’re compassionate, y’all ...

Telling it like it is.

Attention is important and as the weather gets colder and the holidays approach, many of us turn our attention to our homeless neighbors; but the problem is a yearlong one. With New Albany’s proposal to destroy affordable housing and Louisville moving people around without a real solution, we must do more.

Back on November 29, Erica revealed that she'd left a message with Gahan at City Hall, and was awaiting a reply. I'm guessing she hasn't gotten one, though Mike Hall may have deleted the e-mail.

Public housing putsch: "New Albany’s government is being reckless and disorganized. Gahan’s power grabs are not much different from those of Governor Selfie in Kentucky."

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