Tuesday, September 05, 2017

Them's fightin' words: "Streets are for everyone, not just motorists."

At the risk of repeating myself, allow me to repeat myself.

From Victoria, British Columbia, comes another reinforcement of well-reasoned points that consistently elude so many New Gahanians as they stare at their phones while driving.

A few bucks more for complete streets?

Of course. We have a hundred years of redress to accomplish.

Comment: Streets are for everyone, not just motorists, by Todd Litman (Times Colonist)

... Many urban streets are becoming more complete and multi-modal, including better sidewalks and crosswalks, bike lanes, bus lanes and bus stops.

Some people assume that this harms motorists. They are wrong. Everyone benefits from improved travel options that reduce traffic and parking congestion, increase road safety and reduce motorists’ chauffeuring burdens. Most people will experience times when they cannot drive; better mobility options prepare our community for our future selves.

Of course, roadway changes are disruptive, but please give them a chance. Slowly but surely, complete-streets policies are helping to create more efficient and complete communities.

Thanks Victoria, for improving walking, cycling and public transit. Please don’t stop.

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