Friday, September 29, 2017

Taking a knee with Nick Wright and Bill Hanson.

Wright rests the case.


It's back to the same old symbols, not social justice.

You know it's bad when you wish Chris Morris had written it instead.

I understand why a newspaper like the News and Tribune feels it is compelled to write at an elementary school level.

What I'll never understand is why it must think at the same level.

Watch Wright's video, Bill.

HANSON: Symbolism and Sensibility — our national angst, by Bill Hanson (Southern Indiana Christianity Today)

 ... Players and coaches have every right, I guess, to take a knee, lock arms, hang out in the tunnel or turn cartwheels during the playing of the National Anthem. OK, not cartwheels. That would be disrespectful and just plain silly. But they do have a right to protest oppression and racism. And, I’ll admit that Sunday’s protest garnered plenty of attention. But to what end? Social media exploded with just what you might expect. Videos and memes from each side supporting or tearing down the other. Not a lot of meaningful dialog about the best ways to stamp out oppression or racism has come to light so far.

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