Wednesday, September 13, 2017

SHANE'S EXCELLENT WORDS: Wordplay, mispronunciation, the tube and two Ronnies.

Wordplay is just that.

1. clever or subtle repartee; verbal wit.
2. a play on words; pun.

While not suggesting that America lacks suitable examples of wordplay, it remains that our experience with the English language doesn't match that of our former colonial overlords.

Back in 1987, when I first became acquainted with the Three Danes of the Apocalypse, beer provided a powerful bond, but Monty Python arguably was stronger; a Hoosier and a trio of northern Europeans, all delighted with the verbal humor of a comedic band of Brits.

Recently Kim Andersen directed my attention to a sketch of which I was unaware.

Ronnie Barker (above) and Ronnie Corbett famously collaborated as The Two Ronnies on British television. The two Ronnies appear together in this sketch, conversing in what might be called "tube-speak."

The tube?

As a reminder, in British English the tube is the subway, metro or underground, especially in London.

Don't forget to mind the gap!

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