Friday, August 18, 2017

LIVE TO EAT: Read my profile of August Moon's Mimi Dabbagh in the Fall 2017 issue of Food & Dining Magazine.

The Fall 2017 issue of Food & Dining Magazine is out. You can read the new issue at issuu.

While not billed as such, the magazine's theme this time around centers on local women in the food and drink business.

Speaking for myself, I richly enjoyed my time with Mimi Dabbagh, chatting about her life and career.

I hope readers enjoy the profile.

Mimi Dabbagh is someone you should know. Since 1987, Dabbagh has been Chef Peng Looi’s co-owner and business partner at August Moon Chinese Bistro, and yet 30 years after the eatery’s inception, she’s almost unGoogleable, having consistently avoided the limelight in favor of tending to the less glamorous aspects of restaurant ownership.

“Chef Looi is like the front man; I’m behind the scenes,” says Dabbagh. “It’s all right, because most people aren’t so interested in the owner. They’re interested in the chef and the food.”

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